Call of Duty Mobile, after its explosive start, has not been doing pretty well – it is still nowhere near the popularity of PUBG Mobile in India. However, the developers are doing their best to add more unique content in order to enrich the game – and this patch is one of the biggest ones yet.

Various battle pass rewards unlocked by tier

The biggest addition is a new character, John “Soap” MacTavish, the main character and Protagonist of the Modern Warfare series. His addition to the game is definitely something fans of the series have been waiting for – however, the only way to unlock Soap is by buying the new battle pass, which also called “Rise of Soap”. The new scorestreak that was added along with the character is H.I.V.E, which is a weapon that shoots proximity mines. These are not the normal exploding variant – when triggered, those mines would release a cloud of “nano drones” that damage enemies in the vicinity.

The official tweet announcing the patch

The new multiplayer map is named Cage, which already becomes a part of all ranked modes. Cage is the first-ever exclusive map for Call of Duty mobile, while all other maps in the game are copied from the PC version. Cage is a construction site filled with various objects, suitable for close-quarter combat.

The Battle Royale map of Warzone would be super big

The new update for Zombies in this season is a map called “Night of the Undead”. This location would contain more dangerous areas with various new mechanisms to utilize, along with new enhancements. The map would launch on March 2.

In other news, the Battle Royale free standalone version of Call of Duty “Warzone” is going to be released very soon. It would feature a map with 200 players battle royale, double the number of PUBG. Interested in more of our articles related to video games? Please check out this post for more information about Warzone.