Call of Duty Mobile's latest season has just arrived. This season and battle pass would last for one month - players who purchase the pass would get the chance to unlock a new character named Reaper, along with an array of goodies like skins, credits, and frames...

The latest season for Call of Duty Mobile: Steel Legion

The update also comes with some new content to keep players occupied during the lockdown for coronavirus. There are 4 added events: April Fools' day mission, Team Play Event, Two vs Two showdowns and Jester's trove. All of these can be accessed using the event tab in-game.

1 - Team Play event

There are 3 rewards for the Team Play event:

  • Easter ’20 frame
  • Reticulated skin for the UL736 rifle
  • Boat with Easter ’20 camo

These rewards can be unlocked by cooperating with friends to beat specific challenges in matches. The mission varies: you would have to play up to five multiplayer matches with a friend, messaging them for 5 days... etc. The event would last for one week.

Team Play event's progress chart

2 - April Fools' Day and Jester's Trove

This one is pretty straightforward. Players would have to play up to 25 matches to unlock an event item called "Fool's hat". These can then be exchanged in the event shop for various rewards, such as the reticulated camo BK57 AR or cubic illusion DL Q33. This event would end on April 5

3 - 2vs2 showdown event

This event is a supplement to give players an incentive to play the new 2vs2 mode. To earn rewards, players would have to do various missions in the new game mode. They are pretty straightforward - from "play 1 match" to "kill 10 enemies"... and more. The final reward tier is the reticulated XPR 50 sniper rifle.

Interested in more of our articles related to Call of Duty Mobile? Please check out this post to find out everything about the game's Ranking System.