PUBG Mobile and Call of Duty Mobile are two most-played battle royale game in the world now. Besides many similarities, these two games have some differences. Here are four main differences between COD Mobile vs PUBG Mobile. Check it out here with

COD Mobile Vs PUBG Mobile: Game Mode

These two battle royale games offer players many different game modes with a lot of gaming experience. PUBG Mobile has four main categories of game modes, including Classic, Arcade, Arena, and PlayLab. They often introduce new game modes in releasing new updates. However, COD mobile often new game modes every week or new events. So, COD Mobile players have more gaming experiences with many different game modes.

COD Mobile offers you tons of limited game modes

PUBG Mobile Vs COD Mobile: Graphics

In terms of graphics, PUBG Mobile has better graphics quality with Unreal Engine. Meanwhile COD Mobile gives players a charming video-game feel with Unity Engine. So, PUBG Mobile gives you more realistic gaming experience.

PUBG Mobile Has More Realistic Graphics

COD Mobile Vs PUBG Mobile: Gameplay

The gameplay of PUBG Mobile is more realistic. It feels like a real battle of normal people. We have to find weapons, armor, supplies, and try to survive on the battleground. In COD mobile, it feels like a training course in the military. This game has a more simple layout and features, such as a sky-lift air platform with a helicopter, gliders, skill-upgrade portals, and cable-lifts.

PUBG Mobile Vs COD Mobile: Characters

The last difference between these two games is the characters. In COD Mobile, you will choose a character from a set of characters with different statuses, skills, and roles. But in PUBG Mobile, players will design their characters based on their preferences. The normal character has no special skills at all. But the game also introduced some special characters with an exclusive voice, appearance, and emotes. These special characters also have their unique skills that are only active in EvoGround (except for TDM) game modes.

PUBG Mobile Vs COD Mobile Character