Call of Duty Mobile is the hottest mobile shooter on the market as of late. It has broken many records to rank second, just after Pokemon GO, in the top download for any mobile games to date. Due to its innovative gameplay and masterful optimization, Call of Duty Mobile has become a direct competitor of PUBG Mobile in the market after just a month.

The ability to use a controller in Call of Duty Mobile is a dream for a lot of players

After taking down controller support just a week after the official launch, Activision has confirmed that they are going to bring it back to Call of Duty: Mobile very soon. Currently, the developers are still finalizing the last part of the plans for the upcoming update.

The ability to use a controller would definitely be a great help in playing Call of Duty Mobile, as there are limits that the touchscreen of a phone just cannot overcome. In a fast-paced first-person shooter like Call of Duty, just a larger field of vision (without your fingers in the way) could make a huge difference. However, this would be unfair to normal players who do not have access to a controller – and Activision is currently considering implementing special matchmaking restrictions for controller users.

The game did support controllers on release, however, it was taken down immediately afterward

Other competitors to Call of Duty Mobile such as Fortnite is also employing these kinds of segregation for the two types of players. According to them, this is the only way to ensure that every player would have an enjoyable experience. The downside of this is that if there are not many players out there whose matchmaking with controllers, it would take a long time to find any kind of match

The update that would contain controller support and more would be out on November 24th

It would be hard to see how things would play out, and there isn’t even a hard release date for this patch yet. The patch would also include the infamous Zombie mode that everybody has been asking for since the beginning of Call of Duty Mobile. We shouldn’t have to wait for too long, as updates tend to hit games right before the holiday season.

Interested in more Call of Duty Mobile related news? Please check out this guide for the Killhouse map.