Secondary Weapon is a weapon slot available in Free Fire. These slots are for carrying weapons that are smaller than the main slots. And of course, there is a variety of Secondary Weapons that can be carried by Free Fire players.

Although, not too many players are willing to carry Secondary Weapons with them. Usually, the reason they give is that this will reduce the valuable backpack capacity later. However, Secondary Weapons, if you know how to use them, can give you significant advantages when playing.

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To help change the mindset of players towards Secondary Weapons, here are 3 of those weapons that will always come in handy during any match:

3 Free Fire Secondary Weapons That You Should Always Have With You in a Match

1. Treatment Gun

There is no need to doubt that Treatment Gun is certainly very useful when playing Free Fire, especially in Duo and Squad. Other than being able to inflict damage on the enemy, if aimed at a friend this weapon will provide additional HP.

Having this weapon is very useful if one of your friends is having difficulty finding healing items or needs to be healed quickly.

2. M1873

Shotguns are pretty devastating in Free Fire. Able to provide heavy firepower quickly in close combat, the M1873 is an excellent weapon to fill in your Secondary Weapon slot for those of you who are confused about what weapon to get.

3. Hand Cannon

The Hand Cannon is a mini version of the M79 or maybe what you would often call a throwing weapon. But even though it is a mini version, the damage from the Hand Cannon which amounts to 90 cannot be underestimated. Therefore, if you have an empty Secondary Weapon slot, the Hand Cannon can be a suitable alternative.

Out of these three, which do you think would make the most useful Secondary Weapon, or do you think other weapons can be more useful than those that are listed above? Tell us about it below.

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