Free Fire has grown a lot since its release - currently, the game is in the top 3 most popular battle royales in both India and the world. In such a cutthroat market with a lot of competitors, Garena has to release frequent updates and new modes to keep the game fresh.
While Battle Royale is still the main draw, the other arcade modes are really fun to play. In this article, we would create a Free Fire all mode list that contains all 15 extra game modes in Free Fire, not counting the BR mode, of course.
Free Fire All Mode List
1 - Team Deathmatch
Otherwise known as TDM - this is one of the most popular modes in all shooters. Free Fire’s version has 2 teams of 4 players face off against each other in a match that lasts 10 minutes. The team that reaches 40 kills first would win the game. If no team managed to do that in 10 minutes, the team with more kills would win.

2 - Clash Squad
Another 4 vs 4 mode - however, this time the mode emulates CS’s normal mode, in which teams buy guns to fight each other with actual economy. 2 teams would play a best of 7, with the first team to win 4 rounds take the match. Everyone starts with $500 and the match locations are in Kalahari and Bermuda.

3 - Big Head
Another variant of the Death Match, with 10 minutes and 40 kills limit. The kicker is that after every kill you make, your head would get bigger and easier for enemies to see and do a headshot. Players would spawn with random weapons.

4 - Explosive Jump
20 players would land on a small part of Bermuda, each equipped with a Grenade Launcher “MGL140”. They also get Jumping Shoes that can do double the height of normal jumps as well. The last one standing would win the match.

5 - Cold Steel
Similar to explosive jump, in this mode, 20 players would spawn in a small area, each equipped with throwing knives. The last one standing after 10 minutes would win the match.

6 - Night Hunter
A mini battle royale mode in which 20 players drop into a small area and fight until only one left. The twist of this mode is that they have to fight in the dark and can hardly see anything but the muzzle flashes.

7 - Rampage
A 4vs4 mode in which 2 teams would compete in capturing locations on the map. After a certain amount of time, 1 out of 3 spots on the map would lit up and the teams must capture it while beating the other one. The first team that reaches 100 points would win.

8 - Fully Charged
Another “20 players” mode in which people get onto a small area equipped with a special weapon. The CG15 charged gun is the main weapon of this mode - it is a future weapon that can be charged to fire a shot that deals a lot of damage.

9 - Spray And Pray
Similar to the previous mode - but now players are equipped with Gatling gun and Jet boots that enable them to fly around.

10 - Rush Hour
This is a literally mini version of the battle royale - 20 players would be dropped onto a small spot to fight it out until only one left standing.

11 - Kill Secured
Another 4vs4 mode that has the weapon market similar to Clash Squad… however, the twist here is that you have to gather enemy’s dog tags to have your registered. This makes sniping useless, as you have to be close to be able to pick them up. The first team to reach 80 points would win - you only get 1 point for each dog tag, but if you managed to pick up a couple of them in a row, you would get a lot more.

12 - Bomb Squad
It is Clash Squad but with an extra element, the C4 Bomb. The attacker’s task is to plant the bomb and protect it for 60 seconds so that it can detonate. The defender’s job is to defuse it. They can definitely end the game by just kill each other and ignore the bomb, of course.

13 - Gun King
Players would have to use 14 different weapons to make 28 kills - the first one to reach that limit would win. The weapons are predetermined and some of them are really bad.

14 - Rampage 2.0
An upgrade to the previous rampage mode - it is mostly the same, with the only addition being the extra costume that spawns on the map, which gives special powers for wearers.

15 - Grim Reaper
It is TDM mode with an extra twist - after a certain number of kills, you become a ghost, with more HP and damage than normal players. Afterward, you would need to get even more kills. The first one to make a certain number of kill as a ghost would win the match.

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