The Free Fire All-Stars Asia 2021 is a tournament where fans will get to see all the most popular Free Fire content creators come together and compete. The event will take place in 3 days from July 23 to July 25. This is also one of the most awaited upcoming Free Fire events this summer.
There will be a total of 12 teams representing 8 regions in this event. Each team will have 2 influencers. The name of the team will be based on the iconic food of their regions.

Free Fire All Stars Asia 2021 Format and Schedule
The Free Fire All Stars Asia 2021 will feature 3 game modes: Bomb Squad, Clash Squad, Battle Royale. The champion of each mode will get $10,000.
Bomb Squad: This mode will take place on July 23. Each region will have 1 representing team to play this mode. Teams will be playing a single-elimination format. The Quater Finals and Semi Finals will be playing BO3 matches. The Grand Finals will play BO3 matches.
Clash Squad: The Clash Squad mode will take place on July 24. The format is the same as the Bomb Squad mode with one team from each region.
Battle Royale: On July 25, all 12 teams will be playing over 3 matches on Bermuda, Purgatory, and Kalahari to determine the champion.

Invited teams in the Free Fire All-Stars Asia 2021
This is the list of 12 teams who will be joining the Free Fire All-Stars Asia 2021. All the team names are in association with famous specialties of their own countries.
- Indonesia: Sate, Indomee
- India: Dosa, Samosa

- Pakistan: Briyani
- Bangladesh: Hilsha
- MCP: Durian
- Taiwan: Boba
- Thailand: Som Tum, Tom Yum Kung
- Vietnam: Cơm Tấm, Phở

>>> Check more Free Fire tips on How To Win Every Free Fire Clash Squad Custom 1 Vs 1 Match