Spraying is probably the most common thing players do in Free Fire. There are two types of spraying - both involve letting go of all movement keys and focus on shooting... however, one has the player crouching immediately prior to firing. In this article, GuruGamer is going to discuss Free Fire crouch spray vs standing spray to see which one of them is better in what situation.

Crouch Spray Vs Standing Spray in Free Fire

Crouch Spraying pros and cons

  • Pros

Crouching increases the accuracy of your bullets. This is a big advantage, especially in mid and long-range battles where accuracy is paramount. Crouching also makes you harder to hit, as your player model gets smaller vertically. Your long-range weapons might also play a role.

Crouch Spraying
  • Cons

Crouching causes the location of your crosshair to change, which might affect your aim and force you to modify it. Furthermore, it also slows down your movement - uncrouch and run away might take some extra seconds. This makes it harder for you to escape enemy fire or chase enemies.

Standing Spray pros and cons

  • Pros

Standing spray allows you to move around. In long-range fights, you can exchange short bursts with your target while sprinting around to make yourself harder to hit. This also works when you have a cover - quickly peaking through it and fire a short burst then retreat back. Crouching would make your retreat slower and you might take more damage.

Standing Spray
  • Cons

Standing spray makes it easier for enemies to hit you, as your character size is bigger. You are more likely to get head shotted as well, with most players leaving their crosshairs at a certain level, especially in higher skill brackets.

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Verdict: Crouch Spray Vs Standing Spray

Overall, both methods have pros and cons, and should be used in tandem. There is a time for crouching, but crouching too much can cause you to lose fights.

When should you Crouch in Free Fire?

  • At the start of a medium-range fight. At this range, it often becomes an aim duel, and movement isn't as important as accuracy.
  • If you can't finish your enemy in the first burst while standing, it is recommended to crouch on the second burst. This might fix the vertical recoil and give you more headshots.
  • You should also crouch if your enemy crouched - this will negate their advantage and let you fix your aim easier.
Middle Range aim

If you are at a lower rank (gold or below), don't crouch at all, as enemies usually aim for body shots at this rank. Crouching would give them headshots.

When should you Stand in Free Fire?

  • You should stand and strafe around in long-range fights in order to evade enemy fire and get to cover faster. This also allows you to peak next to cover quicker. Standing also gives you a better chance against multiple opponents.
  • In extremely close range, crouching is out of the question. You need to stand to be able to run and gun.
Long range aim

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