On June 3, 2020, Garena will finish adding the latest updates to Free Fire. There will be a bunch of new content that has been tested on Advance Server in May 2020, such as new weapons, new characters, to new pets.
In addition to new content, there will be adjustments for some existing weapons. These adjustments were made so that the performance of the weapons becomes more balanced. Buff will be given to weapons that are considered too strong, while Nerf is given to weapons that are too weak when compared to other weapons.
The following 4 weapons have been given either a Buff or a Nerf in the Free Fire June 2020 update:
SKS (Buff)
Damage, Rate of Fire and Armor Penetration increased
SKS is a weapon that almost balances AR weapons in general. Unfortunately, this weapon is very unstable because it has a low rate of fire . In this update, the SKS rate of fire and damage are increased to be more effectively used remotely for moving targets.
- Damage to body: +40%
- Rate of Fire: +7%
- Armor Penetration: +10%
SVD (Buff)
Damage and Armor Penetration improved
SVD is unpopular when compared to other weapons that come from air-drop. In this update, SVD damage and armor penetration are increased in order to produce more consistent damage.
- Damage to body: +50%
- Armor Penetration: +30%
M14 (Buff)
Base Damage and Minimum Damage increased
Players are still having trouble using M14 in long-range battles because the damage is too low. So for this update, the M14 damage ratio and minimum damage are slightly increased to be more effective in long-distance battles.
- Damage Ratio: 50->58
- Minimum Damage: 20->30
M1887 (Nerf)
Reduced Range and Minimum Damage
The Nerf that was given for the M1887 weapon in the previous patch was apparently still not enough. This weapon is still too strong when compared to other Shotguns. Which is why the range and minimum damage of M1887 are reduced. Don't worry, M1887's flat damage ratio is n't reduced, so this weapon is still very strong if both of your shots hit the target.
- Effective Range: -15%
- Minimum Damage: -2
Changes Coming to Free Fire Clash Squad
Next up, Clash Squad is one of the modes in Free Fire which was released in August 2019. This Clash Squad Mode gives us a unique playing experience, where you get to play 4v4. As you already know, Free Fire will receive the latest update this June.
After Garena Free Fire held a discussion on their social media, we know Clash Squad will contain a lot of new things. For those of you who can't wait to get the latest information about Clash Squad, here is the complete info:
Clash Squad Will Have Kalahari Map
In the current Clash Squad mode, only one map is present, which is the Bermuda map. But after the update in June, Clash Squad will see the arrival of a new map, the Kalahari map. The Kalahari map itself will be even more unique if available in Clash Squad because there is a lot of challenges on it.
Ranked Reward
Lots of Free Fire players suggest rewards for Clash Squad. And they will have their wishes! Because alongside Clash Squad mode there will also be the Golden Desert Eagle skin prize. You can get this skin after you reach the Gold Rank on Clash Squad.
Additional CS Leaderboard
Unlike the Classic Ranking mode that has a Leaderboard, Clash Squad doesn't have a Leaderboard at the moment. However, after Free Fire June 2020 Update, Clash Squad will have its own Leaderboard. We'll know whether it's kill or rank or both on the Clash Squad leaderboard.
Protection Feature
When your teammates leave the match you will definitely feel upset. Therefore, Garena Free Fire will be protecting you with this latest measure. If one of your teammates disconnects, a bot will play or replace the character. And even if you lose, your points won't be reduced later.
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