Free Fire has just released the first skin ever for AUG, the AUG Booyah Day skin. This skin gives the AUG a great boost in Accuracy, on buff in Damage to trade for a slightly reduced reload speed.

The skin has a great color design with yellow electric sparkling around the weapon. On the body of the AUG, there is a stylized Booyah!.

Bullseye card flip event

Players can get this skin from the Bullseye event. In this event, there are 9 flip cards and one of them contains the AUG Booyah Day skin. To open a card, you need to pay Diamonds. The more cards you open the higher the price will be.

The first card will cost 9 Diamonds. The second card will cost 29 Diamonds. The third card will cost 59 Diamonds and then it goes to 99 Diamonds, 199 Diamonds, 299 Diamonds, 599 Diamonds,...

If you are lucky, you can totally get this skin after only just 2 or 3 flips

A card can be opened once so it will cost you a total of about 2000 Diamonds to get the skin. But if you are lucky, you can totally get this skin after 2 or 3 flips.

How strong is the AUG Booyah Day skin?

Since the AUG already has a really good Accuracy, the double Accuracy buff of this skin won't be matter much. The Damage buff is nice and the Reload Speed reduction hardly matters.

Since the AUG already has a really good Accuracy, the double Accuracy buff of this skin won't be matter much

So unless you are a really hardcore fan of the AUG, 2000 Diamonds might be a little bit too much for this skin. The AUG is still a really great weapon without this skin since it has a built-in 2x scope with a high fire rate, high rate, and a big magazine.

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