Kalahari is one of the most crucial maps in the Battle Royale mode of Free Fire. Unlike Bermuda, it is a desert map with rough terrain and many high mountains. One of the secrets to achieving victory on Kalahari is choosing your landing spot.

Here in this article, we will show you 3 great landing spots on Kalahari so you can have a wonderful start.

1. Refinery

Refinery is a location placed in the center of Kalahari. It is also a large place with high-quality loot so you will expect to see a lot of players here at the start of the match. As long as you can make it out of Refinery, you are sure to have a decent set of gear to use until the end of the match.

Refinery is a location placed in the center of Kalahari

2. Bayfront

Bayfront is located in the North of the map. It is a huge town with many buildings spread out in a big area. This is a quite popular location and you can get enough supply for a whole squad in this place.

Bayfront is a huge town located in the North of the map

3. Confinement

Confinement is located in the far East of Kalahari, which is why you won't find many players who like to come to this place. It has a great amount of loot and you won't have to worry about early confrontations too much because of its location.

Confinement is located in the far East of Kalahari

However, since the place is far from the center of the map, there is a high chance that it will not be in the safe zone. That means you will have to make a long rotation across the map if you choose to land here.

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