Genshin Impact has many DPS characters with super high DMG statistics and stunned abilities. Here is the top Genshin DPS tier list with the highest DMG that you should recruit to your team.
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DPS Genshin Impact meaning
For those who remain puzzled about the meaning of this term, DPS Genshin Impact means a character who is excellent at dealing damage quickly.
Basically, DPS means Damage per Second. It’s how much your character can deal damage at a specific time period (usually at 1 second). Later, it evolves into a new slang in Genshin Impact.

Meanwhile, Support means characters who can buff or heal the roster. With the right picks for each combat role, you can make your team unstoppable.
Genshin DPS tier list
Below are top 10 names in our Genshin DPS tier list you can consider to add to your roster!
1. Klee
Klee is one of the most powerful Pyro characters in Genshin Impact. She is even stronger than Diluc because she has a higher Pyro DMG. Klee throws small balls with huge Pyro DMG. It's buffed insanely when you combine the normal ATK with her elemental skills and bursts.
Moreover, Klee can combine with other Pyro supporters, such as Bennett, Xiangling, and Diluc to make elemental resonance. The power of her attacks will increase by 25%. You can also recruit Hydro or Pyro supporters to cause Melt and Varporize. Don't forget to use an Anemo character to expand the AoE. Kazuha, Venti, and Sucrose. You can build Klee as the main DPS in your team.

2. Xiao
Xiao is the most powerful Anemo character in Genshin Impact. In the game story, he is one of three Protectors of Liyue Harbor. He has the best elemental combining ability in the game now.
His elemental burst deals giant DMG to enemies when he continuously makes plugged attacks and causes very huge AoE DMG. However, he needs another Anemo ally to charge him elemental energy, such as Jean, Sucrose, or Venti.

3. Eula
The beautiful Captain of the Knights of Favonius Reconnaissance Company is also named in the Genshin DPS tier list. Known as Spindrift Knight, Eula is a skillful swordswoman with a brave spirit.
This Cryo character uses Claymore. She has many advantages to building her physical DMG.
In fact, Eula has the greatest Physical DMG among Genshin Impact players. She is one of the two only characters who can cause over one million shocking DMG.

4. Hu Tao
Genshin Hu Tao is holding the record for the highest short-time DMG in Genshin Impact. Her elemental skills make Hu Tao a powerful DPS character in this game. She also has a weakness. Hu Tao needs to consume lots of HP to activate her elemental skill.
However, the burst of this character can cause a mind-blowing amount of DMG to enemies in a large AoE to finish them fast. Moreover, it also helps her heal HP when enemies get DMG.

5. Ganyu
This Cryo character has special blood mixed between a human and a unicorn that is recognized as a God of animals in Liyue's culture. Therefore, this character has a great power that only God has. Her Charged Attack deals the highest DMG in this game.
She is one of the best DPS characters. Moreover, Genshin Impact Ganyu is really easy to control. This 5-star archer can finish a large group of enemies around with her elemental burst.

6. Ayaka
Kamisato Ayaka’s waited for her arrival for a long time and she truly does not disappoint. She deserves a spot in the Genshin DPS chart for her beyond-expectation streams of CRIT damage.
Moreover, she is able to create permanent freeze compositions. The princess can also manage crowd control while simultaneously chopping enemies down into tiny ice cubes.

7. Beidou
The Electro fighter may not have the locking spin-attack that most claymore users have but her powerful electro skills totally make up for that.
For starters, the captain of the Crux’s elemental skill can absorb damage, then release it with a highly destructive AoE electro attack. As a cherry on top, Beidou’s Elemental burst lets her come at the enemies with a consistent lightning chain.

8. Arataki Itto
The new 5-star Geo unit is finally released with a focus on DPS. This Oni hunk can unleash significant Geo damage quickly with his abilities. For this resonance, Itto also synergizes easily with other Geo characters, an ideal feature if you want to build a mono-Geo team.
Moreover, his signature weapon, Redhorn Stonethresher, is tailormade for him can make Noelle a powerhouse. With the fact that Itto is a 5-star, imagine how of a monster he can become with this claymore.

9. Diluc
The community is seeing Diluc as the simplest available DPS as his Pyro damage stacks without any obstacles and he can hit like a train.
His Elemental Burst also releases a flaming phoenix that pushes against foes, attacking them until it disappears. You can also use his Elemental Skill thrice before the short cooldown.

10. Shenhe
Shenhe debuts in Genshin Impact version 2.4 with Yun Jin and she quickly becomes a favorite even before the official release. Users have said that she can be the offensive support, specifically focused on boosting Cryo DPS for Ganyu or Ayaka.
However, Shenhe can also be a powerful DPS herself. The Cryo bonus granted by Shenhe’s Elemental Skill scales with her Attack Power. In other words, this will be her most important stat.
Her Elemental Skill can grant Cryo bonus which scales perfectly with her Attack Power. This will be her most outstanding stat in general.
Best 4-star DPS Genshin Impact
The above list of Genshin DPS tier list mostly includes 5-star units. In fact, many 4-stars can also serve as DPS in your team comp. Take a quick look at the characters who are the best with this role:
- Xiangling
- Ningguang
- Fischl
- Razor
- Xingqiu
- Noelle
- Chongyun
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