Spiral Abyss 4.3's new enemy lineups greatly changed the usage rate of many characters and the top-picked teams. Let's check out the most used characters and teams in Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss 4.3 here.

I. Most Picked Team

There are two teams with very high usage rates. Let's check out these two teams and learn their roles in these teams. You can also learn from these lineups to win this Spiral Abyss season.

#1. Alhaitham, Nahida, Kuki Shinobu & Xingqiu (42.2%)

The most used team in Genshin Impact Spiral Abyss 4.3 is Alhaitham's Hyperbloom team. Alhaitham is the main Dendro DPS of this team who takes most of the active time on the battlefield. Nahida, Shinobu, and Xingqiu can support him by providing Hydro, Electro, and Dendro for lots of elemental reactions.

This team is not very expensive. Alhaitham and Nahida are two 5-star units, but they have been rerun many times. Shinobu and Xingqiu were free to obtain several times. Therefore, it's easy for many F2P players to build this team.

Hyperbloom Team
Alhaitham's Hyperbloom team is the most used.

#2. Neuvillette, Furina, Kazuha & Baizhu (42.1%)

Neuvillette's Bloom team is the second-most used Spiral Abyss team in Genshin Impact 4.3. However, their usage rate is not lower than the previous team (only 0.01%). This team is very helpful and effective in countering Fontaine's enemies.

Neuvillette will play the main DPS role in this team. Furina and Kazuha are two supportive sub-DPS. Baizhu supports this team by providing a shield and healing effect.

Fontaine Team
Fontaine's team is also highly trusted.

II. Most Picked Characters

Besides, the lineup of top-picked characters also has great changes. Three of them are Archon. Here are the most used characters this Spiral Abyss season.

#1. Zhongli (85.4%)

Zhongli surprisingly became the most used character in this season. It's because of the balance between the defensive and offensive ability of the Geo Archon. Moreover, his solid shield is very helpful in countering big and dangerous bosses.

Genshin Impact Zhongli
Geo Archon

#2. Nahida (75.2%)

Nahida is also one of the most picked characters for the supporting and Dendro enabler role in many teams. Her AoE Dendro burst can mark lots of enemies to trigger powerful Dendro-based elemental reaction chains. That's why the Dendro Archon is often one of the most-picked sub-DPS and supporters in Spiral Abyss challenges.

Genshin Impact Nahida
Dendro Archon

#3. Furina (74.2%)

Furina was the most used character in the previous Spiral Abyss season. Until this season, she is still one of the top-trusted sub-DPS. The Hydro Archon can supply Hydro for many elemental reactions. Her special Fontaine skill is also highly estimated this season.

Genshin Impact Furina
Hydro Archon

#4. Neuvillette (72.8%)

Neuvillette is also a trust-worthing DPS character in Spiral Abyss after Fontaine's release. His appearance helps your team be stronger with his charged attack. This character can play solo and clear a group of small bosses. Like Furina, Neuvillette's Fontaine skill also helps your team clear local enemies easily.

Genshin Impact Neuvillette
Chief of Justice

Those are the most used characters and teams in Spiral Abyss 4.3. You can learn from these lineups to pass these chambers and floors easily and successfully.

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