Nilotpala Lotus is an important ascension material for the new character Tighnari in Sumeru. You also need it to craft Dendroculus Resonance Stone to locate Dendroculus. Here are the best Nilotpala Lotus locations for players to collect this item in Sumeru.

Nilotpala Lotus Locations

Nilotpala Lotus is a local material in Sumeru. It grows and develops in the wild of this new nation. Besides, you can only find it in the water area of this country. Here are the best places you should visit to find this important material in Genshin Impact 3.0.

All Nilotpala Lotus locations.

#1. Chinvat Ravine

You can find nine Nilotpala Lotus flowers on the river below Chinvat Ravine. These flowers grow in the water, near two river banks. You should go along the two river banks to collect all Nilotpala Lotus on this river. They grow pretty close to each other.

#2. North of Sumeru City

The river in the North of Sumeru city is one of the best Nilotpala Lotus locations with 13 flowers to collect. They also grow along two sides of the river. Therefore, you can easily pick up all of them when roaming along this small river. It's easy to spot these flowers because these collectible materials have a sparkling light spot.

Find it in water areas

#3. Chatrakam Cave & Palace of Alcazarzaray

There are 5 flowers in the water body around Alcazarzaray and 4 flowers around Chatrakam Cave. These flowers spawn in two separate areas but it's still easy for you to pick them all by following the waterway. Sumeru has a dense and long web of rivers. Therefore, you can find a lot of Nilotpala Lotus flowers in this nation.

Nilotpala Lotus flowers

#4. Vanarana, Vimara Village, Devantaka Mountain

Apart from rivers, Travelers can also pick up some Nilotpala Lotus flowers in the lake. Vanarana and Devantaka Mountain have small lakes with some flowers. From Devantaka Mountain's lake, you go left to the river flowing through Vimara Village. There are two places along the river with lots of Nilotpala Lotus.

#5. Ruins of Dahri

From the Ruins of Dahri, you head west to the mountain edge and collect four Nilotpala Lotus flowers. These flowers are only available to pick up in the wild of Sumeru. You cannot buy it from any vendor.

It only spawns in the wild.

Uses Of Nilotpala Lotus

Nilotpala Lotus is one of the most important materials in Genshin Impact 3.0. You need to pick up as many flowers as possible to ascend the new character Tighnari and make a useful device for your adventure in Sumeru. Check out how many Nilotpala Lotus flowers you need.

  • Tighnari Ascension

Genshin Impact players need to collect 168 Nilotpala Lotus flowers in total to fully ascend Tighnari. But there are only 66 Nilotpala Lotus flowers per 2-3 days. Therefore, you need to go on some trips to those Nilotpala Lotus locations every 2-3 server days to collect enough materials.

You need it to ascend Tighnari.
  • Dendroculus Resonance Stone

You also need five Nilotpala Lotus flowers to make a Dendroculus Resonance Stone. But each Dendroculus Resonance Stone can be used only once. Therefore, you need up to 540 flowers to make 108 devices and find all Dendroculi. But there are many easy Oculi that you can find without using this tool.

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