The latest update from Genshin Impact, the 1.5 version has introduced a super amazing housing system. It interests a lot of gamers. You will collect materials to build up your own mansion. Let's learn about this new amazing game mode.

About Housing System In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 1.5 introduced a housing system. You will receive Serenitea Pot System after completing the Archon Quest, Chapter I Act III: A New Star Approaches at Adventure Rank level 35. Players will use the Serenitea Pot to enter or leave the realm.

Genshin Impact 1.5 introduced a housing system.

There are three realm layouts, including Floating Abode, Emerald Peak, and Cool Isle. You can unlock one of these realms and switch the realm layout when reaching higher Trust Ranks.

You can build your own realm.

Here are the main things you need to concern about in the Genshin Impact housing system.

#1. Furnishing

You will receive Furnishing Blueprintsto create furniture, buildings, decorations, etc. to learn and create these items. Besides, you can also get animals and landforms to place on your homeland, such as cats, dogs, boars, trees, bushes, rocks, etc. Travelers can collect materials, such as fir woods, pine woods, iron, coal, etc. in the wild in Tevyat.

Meet Tuppy to create furnishing items.

#2. Trust Rank

When you create a new Furnishing item, you will get a number of Trust points. Each Trust Rank requires a different number of trust points and it will increase when you reach higher levels. Moreover, the game system also rewards you Primogems and high-tier blueprints to learn rare items.

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Increase trust rank to get many rewards.

#3. Load/Furnishing Capacity

Load is also the furnishing capacity of your homeland. If you reach the maximum furnishing capacity, you cannot place any other items in your realm. The furnishing capacity uses the traffic light system to let you know how the load is. The green indicates that the load is still low. The yellow load means it is in the medium level. The red one means you reach the maximum capacity.

Keep an eye on the furnishing capacity.

#4. Realm Depot

It can be considered as the shop where you can buy realm treasures, furnishings, and furnishing blueprints. You can use the Trust Currency to buy these items. The trust currency is generated automatically in the Jar of Riches. You can collect it from the Trust Rank section at Tubby.

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