Certain items in the Pokemon Go game can be achieved by doing different challenges. Meanwhile, trainers may find it harder to get their hands on this one in-game currency.

And it is Pokecoins that we are talking about. As many players can’t afford to purchase the premium currency, it may seem a bit impossible to garner enough and get an item in its shop. However, there is, in fact, a way to collect coins without having to pay a single penny. Let’s have a look at how to get free Pokecoins in Pokemon Go.


How To Get Free Pokecoins In Pokemon Go 1
Here is a specific guide on how you can get lots of Pokecoins without having to pay.

How to get free coins in Pokemon Go 2021

Apparently, there is one method to earn coins in PoGo fair and square. In fact, it involves getting and reinforcing gyms. With this, players will earn a set of coins every 21 hours.

Follow these steps and claim the prizes from the shop:

  • 1. Seek a gym in the nearby area that you could capture and bolster
  • 2. Take over the gym, then put your Pokemon inside it
  • 3. 21 hours later, visit the shop and click “cash in”
  • 4. Players will get 500 stardust and 10 coins for each Pokemon they have in the gym
  • 5. Save it and buy your aspired items from the shop!

When it comes to how to get free Pokecoins in Pokemon Go, you should remember that the “cash in” feature will peak at 10, which means the maximum amount of coins a player can collect per day is 100. Still and all, it is still a massive amount as 100 Pokecoins cost $0.99 or 75 rupees in the store

How To Get Free Pokecoins In Pokemon Go 2
Follow these steps to get unlimited free Pokecoins and buy all the items you desire.

In case players play with a friend that belongs to another team, they can ask the friend to take their Pokemon out from the gym once every 8 hours 20 minutes. This way makes sure players can always control their income and do not have to wait until somebody eventually beats their Metagross. This is one of the best tips and tricks in Pokemon Go that you should take note of.

If players can obtain 50 each day, it is a solid 350 one week. However, take note that those under Level 5 are not able to use Gyms.

Other ways to earn Pokecoins

Previously, the developers Niantic experimented with a new Coin system in New Zealand, Australia, Germany, and Taiwan. It featured fixed rewards every day for Coins as players complete tasks such as "Make An Excellent Throw".

How To Get Free Pokecoins In Pokemon Go 3
How to get free Pokecoins in Pokemon Go 2021

On the other hand, the system reduced the gyms’ effectiveness drastically. It took longer to gain Coins as well as capped the gym limit to 30 Coins. Consequently, that Coin system was unpopular and was scrapped in the end.

They may be looking into other ways for players to earn coins in the future. However, Gyms pose the best way in terms of how to get free pokecoins in Pokemon Go, unless you want to open your wallet.

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Buying coins in Pokemon Go

The safest way to get Coins apart from fortifying gym is to buy them. There are a number of quite cheap picks if you are only a few Coins away from fetching an item that you want. Meanwhile, there are some much costlier options that ensure a player’s Coin supply would never run out.

  • 100 Coins - $0.99
  • 550 Coins – $4.99
  • 1,200 Coins – $9.99
  • 2,500 Coins – $19.99
  • 5,200 Coins – $39.99
  • 14,500 Coins – $99.99
How To Get Free Pokecoins In Pokemon Go 4
Although just the most hardcore players are likely to use that large number of Coins, getting many coins remains a good choice.

More Coins mean more money to spend. However, they do provide players with the utmost value for money. If you do use Coins on a regular basis, the most recommended long-term option is the most expensive one.

What can you buy with Pokecoins?

As you searched for how to get free Pokecoins in Pokemon Go, you would want to know what those Coins will get you. Pokemon Go shop has exclusive supplies and items for trainers that would help them big time on their adventure:

  • Poke Balls
  • Lucky Eggs
  • Incense
  • Pokemon Storage Upgrade
  • Bag Upgrades
  • Lure Modules
  • Egg Incubators
How To Get Free Pokecoins In Pokemon Go 5
Pokecoins help you buy exclusive items that give Pokemon trainers an advantage over others.

Hopefully, you have now learned how to get these without having to spend money with our help. It can be undoubtedly tough to defend a series of gyms. However, it is well worth the effort with the money you can save and the items you could get when all is said and done.

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