Though it's not obligatory to find Viewpoints in Wuthering Waves gameplay, exploration plays a crucial role in this gacha RPG. Players frequently feel driven to uncover all Viewpoints and attain a 100% completion rate across all regions to earn enticing rewards. This guide provides all Viewpoint locations in Wuthering Waves and presents strategies for accessing concealed or restricted ones.

Wuthering Waves boasts 14 Viewpoints dispersed throughout its 14 regions. Discovering these picturesque locales not only grants players Astrites but also facilitates their exploration within each region. Players have the option to bookmark Viewpoints for future visits, accessible through the Gallery menu on their Terminal.

1. Gorge of Spirits

  • Nearby landmarks: Memento Square & Taoyuan Vile
  • Viewpoint titles: Sentinel’s Statue & Falling Streams

Within the Gorge of Spirits, players can uncover two Viewpoints. The initial one is tucked beneath the Sentinel’s Statue, a monumental dragon sculpture. The second Viewpoint is located on the porch of a house near Taoyuan Vile.

2. Desorock Plains

  • Nearby landmark: Withering Frontline
  • Viewpoint title: Rain Drops of the Past

The Desrock Plains features a solitary Viewpoint, positioned near the Withering Frontline amidst its marshy terrain.

3. Dim Forest

  • Nearby landmarks: Violet Banyan & Forbidden Forest
  • Viewpoint title: Moon Within Reach & Luminous Petals

In the Dim Forest region, players can encounter two Viewpoints. The initial one is situated within the Violet Banyan area, but it becomes accessible only after players complete the "Shines in the Forest" side quest.

The second Viewpoint can be found south of the Forbidden Forest and becomes accessible upon completing the Exploration Quest titled "When the Forest Is No Longer Dim." It's important to note that unlocking this Viewpoint also necessitates achieving a Union Level of at least 20.

4. Jinzhou (Central Plains)

  • Nearby landmark: Loong’s Gaze Suburb
  • Viewpoint title: City of Jinzhou

While Jinzhou itself does not host any Viewpoints, players can locate one with a vista overlooking the city in the Central Plains area. To uncover it, venture into the region north of Loong’s Gaze Suburbs. Positioned atop a hill beyond the water, this Viewpoint provides a panoramic outlook of the cityscape.

5. Port City of Guixu

  • Nearby landmark: Sea of Flames
  • Viewpoint title: Weightless Skyscrapers & Sky Incinerated

The Port City of Guixu boasts two Viewpoints. The initial one can be discovered on the broken bridge close to the Sea of Flames.

You can find the second Viewpoint within the Sea of Flames area. To reach it, navigate to the northern corner of this infected zone and climb to the rooftop of the tallest building. This structure is located next to the frozen train rails.

6. Whining Aix’s Mire

  • Nearby landmarks: Waving Battlefield, Lollo Warehouse, Fallen Grave
  • Viewpoint titles: Ruins of the Old Days, Daybreak & Eternal Blue

The Ruins of the Old Days Viewpoint is positioned adjacent to the Depths of Illusive Realm. Another Viewpoint is situated within the locked region known as the Fallen Grave, which becomes accessible after completing the Stygian Lacrimosa Exploration Quest. The final Viewpoint can be found on the bridge that connects the Warehouse to the nearby Resonance Nexus.

7. Tiger’s Maw and Wuming Bay

  • Nearby landmarks: Distribution Center and Corroded Ruins
  • Viewpoint title: Safety First! And Mt. Pingting

Close to the Distribution Center, players can find the first Viewpoint of the Tiger’s Maw area nestled on the hills. The second Viewpoint is positioned within the Corroded Ruins atop the hill, providing a picturesque vista overlooking the mountain.

8. Norfall Barrens

  • Nearby landmark: Norfall Pass
  • Viewpoint title: Warblade in Norfall Barrens

Players gain access to Norfall Barrens after completing the Rewinding Raindrops quest. Once accessible, players can obtain the Viewpoint by climbing the hill near Norfall Pass.

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