With the easy to access capability, mobile games can attract and gather a huge number of players all over the world, as long as the game content is good. According to Pikakasinot, a Finnish casino game site, while we have good mobile games in a lot of gaming genres, we have to admit that there are really few good MOBA titles on mobile platform. But Tencent is about to change that. Just recently, a lot of screenshots and videos of the mobile version for the worldwide famous MOBA title League of Legends have been leaked.

Screenshot of the LoL mobile game

League of Legends originally belonged to Riot Games, but now Riot Games has been purchased by Tencent, which makes this giant Chinese corporation the owner of this MOBA title.

Screenshot of the LoL mobile game

Tencent has been planning a mobile version for League of Legends for quite a long time. The first time we heard about League of Legends mobile was back in May this year. But now, we have the screenshots and even videos about this upcoming mobile game. This leak shows us the selecting champion screen of the game, as well as the tutorial mode of the game.

Moreover, as seen from all the leaked videos and pictures, we can confirm that up to now, there are 27 League of Legends champions identified.

Screenshot of the LoL mobile game

The PC version of the game now has 144 champions, so it is certain that there will be more champions joining the mobile version of the game.

Screenshot of the LoL mobile game

Previously, Tencent did release a MOBA title on mobile in China (which looks really like League of Legends mobile game) called "Honor of Kings”. The Europe version of the game is called "Arena of Valor", but this title did not gain as much success as expected. Let’s see what will League of Legends mobile have to offer us.

Screenshot of the LoL mobile game