Pokemon GO is the combination of the augmented reality technology and Pokemon, one of the most popular franchises in the world. It has over a hundred million players playing the game every month now. The game uses GPS in your phone to locate, capture, battle, and train Pokemon and players have to go to real-world locations in order to do that.
Pokemon GO is currently having around 500 Pokemon species, each with their own unique stats, sets of skills, types, strengths, and weaknesses. It is might be a little bit confusing for new players or even players who have been in the game for a while to figure out which Pokemons to invest in the long run.
Here, we have listed for you the Pokemon GO best Pokemons in each type as well as Pokemon GO best Pokemons for attacking and defending in the game.
Pokemon GO Best Pokemons by type
There are many activities in Pokemon GO such as attacking and defending Gyms, fighting in PvP, tackling raids, which require different strengths so it is impossible to pick out the best pokemon in Pokemon GO. But it is generally always a good idea to check out the best Pokemons of each type.

Poison | Roserade Toxicroak Victreebel |
Both Attacking Both |
Poison Jab Poison Jab Acid |
Sludge Bomb Sludge Bomb Sludge Bomb |
Ground | Goudon Garchomp Rhyperior |
Attacking Attacking Both |
Mud Shot Mud Shot Mud Slap |
Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake |
Rock | Tyranitar Terrakion Rampardos |
Both Both Attacking |
Smack Down Smack Down Smack Down |
Stone Edge Rock Slide Rock Slide |
Bug | Pinsir Scizor Yanmega |
Both Attacking Attacking |
Bug Bite Fury Cutter Bug Bite |
X-Scissor X-Scissor Bug Buzz |
Ghost | Giratina (Origin Forme) Chandelure Gengar |
Attacking Defending Defending |
Shadow Claw Hex Shadow Claw |
Shadow Ball Shadow Ball Shadow Ball |
Steel | Metagross Dialga Excadrill |
Both Attacking Attacking |
Bullet Punch Metal Claw Metal Claw |
Meteor Mash Iron Head Iron Head |
Fire | Darmanitan Entei Moltres |
Attacking Attacking Attacking |
Fire Fang Fire Fang Fire Spin |
Overheat Overheat Overheat |
Water | Kyogre Swampert Gyarados |
Attacking Attacking Both |
Waterfall Water Gun Waterfall |
Hydro Pump Hydro Pump Hydro Pump |
Grass | Roserade Alolan Exeggutor Tangrowth |
Both Both Attacking |
Razor Leaf Bullet Seed Vine Whip |
Grass Knot Solar Beam Power Whip |
Electric | Raikou Electivire Zapdos |
Attacking Both Attacking |
Thunder Shock Thunder Shock Thunder Shock |
Wild Charge Wild Charge Thunderbolt |
Psychic | Mewtwo Metagross Latios |
Attacking Both Attacking |
Confusion Zen Headbutt Zen Headbutt |
Psychic Psychic Psychic |
Ice | Mamoswine Weavile Glaceon |
Both Attacking Attacking |
Powder Snow Ice Shard Frost Breath |
Avalanche Avalanche Avalanche |
Dragon | Rayquaza Palkia Garchomp |
Attacking Attacking Both |
Dragon Tail Dragon Tail Dragon Tail |
Outrage Draco Meteor Outrage |
Dark | Darkrai Hydreigon Tyranitar |
Attacking Attacking Attacking |
Snarl Bite Bite |
Dark Pulse Dark Pulse Crunch |
Fairy | Togekiss Gardevoir Granbull |
Defending Both Both |
Charm Charm Snarl |
Dazzling Gleam Dazzling Gleam Play Rough |
Pokemon GO Best Pokemons for attacking
The Pokemon in this list are the ones with high attack stats and can counter types that people commonly used to defend their gyms such as Rock and Ground types. Here are the best Pokemons on Pokemon GO for attacking.
- Mewtwo: Mewtwo is just good at everything. With its high attack and HP, it is really strong even without the best moves.

- Rayquaza: Rayquaza has a huge damage stat, making it the best dragon Pokemon and one of the best attackers.
- Kyogre: Kyogre is a Water Pokemon, which is effective against Rock and Ground Pokemon. It also has amazing damage and health stats.

- Lucario: Lucario is the strongest Fighting Pokemon at the moment with great speed and attack.
- Dragonite: Dragonite is just like Mewtwo. It is good at pretty much everything.
Pokemon GO Best Pokemons for defending
The Pokemon in this list has high stats and will make your gym a lot of work for anyone who dares to attack.
- Blissey: Blissey is still insanely strong after the stat rework. It has a great move set and tons of HP.

- Snorlax: Snorlax has always been famous for its tankiness and is a great alternative to Blissey.
- Metagross: The only counter to Normal Pokemon is Fighting Pokemon and Metagross is a great counter to Machamp.
- Dragonite: Dragonite can counter Machamp easily along with high overall stats, making it harder for other players to clear the gym.

- Slaking: Slaking has huge Attack and CP which will make other players think twice before attacking your gym.
- Read more: Pokémon GO Just Hit The 1 Billion Downloads Milestone