PUBG Mobile occasionally releases redeem codes for its players to get hold of exclusive in-game items for absolutely free. You can always choose to go for the buy since most of these items are available for purchase with UC.

Get the free skin with the redeem code down below

However, if you don’t really feel like spending cash on UC, then the redeem codes are one of the best ways to acquire exclusive items in the game. Don’t miss out on a chance to get the Orange Rugged UMP-45 skin in PUBG Mobile!

Rugged (Orange) UMP-45 Skin Redeem Code 

  • Redeem Code: BAPPZCZTUH
  • Please note that the Rugged UMP-45 skin is not permanent. It only lasts for three days upon redemption. 
Visit the PUBG Mobile Redemption Center to enter the code

The redeem code is currently available for redemption, but we do not have any confirmation on its expired date nor the use limit. Therefore, if you really want to have this free skin, hurry up and redeem now!

How to Use the Redeem Code in PUBG Mobile

To redeem the code above for the Rugged (Orange) UMP-45 skin, please follow the instruction below:

  • # 1: Visit the PUBG Mobile official Redemption Center from its website 
  • # 2: Copy and paste the redeem code, fill all the requested information such as the PUBG Mobile ID and the verification code
Check your mailbox for the rewards
  • # 3: Hit the Redeem Button.
  • # 4: A pop-up window should appear, asking the player to verify the details
  • # 5: Click Ok if all the info is correct
  • # 6: Open the PUBG Mobile application on your device, you should find the skin in the mailbox
There it is!

If an error pops up stating that “the redemption limit reached”, it means the code has reached its limit use time. You must wait for new code releases.