PUBG Mobile often offer free outfits, items, weapon, and vehicle skins through the in-game events and the royale pass system. Usually, players would have to jump through a lot of hoops to get those rewards - and those things are often not even that good, with a lot of them being time-limited. The redeem code system is slightly different, however, as the items obtained through it are more often than not permanent - these codes are hard to obtain, however. A lot of items can be dropped from inputting a code, from gun skins, costumes or various other items.

How to use unlock codes in PUBG Mobile Redemption Center

Tencent, the developer of PUBG Mobile, sometimes releases these redeem codes as a giveaway. There are two codes for free goodies below and a step by step guide of how to activate them.

PUBG Mobile April 2020 Redeem Codes Guide:

  • Redeem Code 1: TQIZBZ76F
  • Redeem Code 2: UKUZBZGWFR

Five steps to unlock free items from the code:

The items unlocked would be sent to your in-game mail
  • Step 1: You would need to go to the PUBG Mobile Redeem Center site
  • Step 2: Enter your character ID and the redeem code
  • Step 3: Fill in the captcha and verify details
  • Step 4: Check out your PUBG Mail Section after submitting
  • Step 5: Collect the rewards

Rewards from the codes:

The first code would unlock a bike skin, a rare coupon in-game. The second code would give 2x fireworks. The players would have to gift 100 and 200 popularity to friends to unlock these two items. It is not sure how long these two codes would last so you should redeem them as soon as possible.

Interested in more of our articles related to PUBG Mobile? Please check out this post for even more PUBG Redeem Codes.