PUBG Mobile gyro players have to deal with the problem of screen shaking when they aim to fire. Pro players use screen shaking, also known as earthquake shaking properly to aim precisely. Let's see how they do it and learn some pro tips here with

How To Master Gyro Screen Shaking In PUBG Mobile?

To make the screen shake, gyroscope players have to set the camera sensitivity to the maximum level of 400%. Or else, you can leave it at 300% to get used to the screen shaking first. There are two types of screen shaking in PUBG Mobile gyro gameplay.

Set the gyro sensitivity at the maximum level
  • Natural screen shaking: When you switch between targets and reflex the combat very quickly, the screen will shake so that the aim moves from a target to another target. But then the screen will become stable after a brief while.
Natural Screen Shaking Happens When You React To Multiple Targets Quickly.
  • Non-natural screen shaking: It happens when your hands shake even when you don't engage in any combat. Unlike natural screen-shake, earthquake shaking is more disadvantageous. You will have difficulty in spotting enemies and aiming to fire. Then, you will miss the target and shoot inaccurately.
Earthquake Shaking Happens When Your Hands Shake With No Purpose

Therefore, you should learn and practice natural screen shaking to use the gyroscope. Here are some tips to master screen shaking in PUBG Mobile for gyro players.

  • Keep your twists and hands stable while you move and shoot.
  • Just turn your twist slightly to look around when you run but don't shake it suddenly.
Keep Your Twist Stable While Shooting
  • When you switch between targets, make a clear-cut shake with your twists and hands, then keep them stable to make the screen stable when you shoot. It ensures that your aim will not move out of the target too much.
  • Practice it more in the training room and TDM before entering the rank match to get used to this technique.