The Three Realms were mentioned for the first time in the Three Realms Gateway Offering rituals in Enkanomiya. What are Three Realms? Check out their location and features here.

I. What is the Realm in Genshin Impact?

We have heard about Teyvat a lot and explored a lot of stories and destinations on this continent. But Teyvat is not the whole Genshin Impact World. In fact, this game world consists of three Realms, including:

  • Light Realm
  • Abyss Void Realm
  • Human Realm.

These realms are placed separately or laid over each other in some cases. The Abyss and Light Realms maintain the opposite position. The Human Realm may collaborate with the Light Realm to defeat the Void Realm to protect humans from elemental living things. These Abyss enemies are very dangerous and aggressive.

Explore stories about three Realms in Genshin Impact. 

II. Light Realm

The Light Realm, also known as the realm of elements, cooperated with humans to fight against Abyss forms of living. This is the habitat of Vishaps and the Seven Sovereigns, so it's also called the Vishap Realm.

This realm was also described in the renowned novel book of 'The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies'. According to the description, the Light Realm is a place on the other pole of the Human Realm. The elemental power in that realm can stimulate the lush growth of all living forms and make humans stronger.

The Light Realm has powerful elemental currents flowing through this land. 

III. Abyssal Void Realm

While the Human Realm has Ley Lines and the Light Realm has elemental currents, the abyssal Void Realm has endless dark currents. These dark currents are very threatening to living things in the two other realms. It can erode the power and life of humans and gods.

In the book 'The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies', the Night Mother also revealed some information about this world. She mentioned the arrival of the Prince from the Light Realm in silver armor and holding a sword. The Dark Sea may be a part of this realm.

Abyssal Void Realm is an unknown land with dangerous dark currents. 

IV. Human Realm

The Human Realm is the Teyvat continent ruled under Celestia represented by The Seven. The Unknown God, also known as Asmoday, created this continent after defeating the Seven Sovereigns. It lies between the Light and Abyssal Void Realms.

Asmoday also won control over the Light Realm after defeating the Seven Sovereigns and made the elemental current flow through the Human Realm. That's why there are many humans and living forms with elemental power.

The Human Realm has a connection with the Light Realm and gets power from some elemental currents. 

Genshin Impact players can explore more stories about the Three Realms in further updates and quests. Keep exploring the Genshin World and more interesting stories about this immense game world.

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