Great titles are coming to mobile platforms. Whether it’s the portable version of a famous game or a brand new one made exclusively for phones and smart devices, we can’t deny that the future seems bright. Let’s go over the top 5 mobile games that are not meant for players under 18 years of age.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
GTA: Vice City received critical acclaims for its sound, graphics, and gameplay at the time of launch. GTA: Vice City is Rockstar's first installment after the release of GTA III in 2001. The game revolves around Tommy Vercetti, a newly reverted criminal. However, Tommy soon finds himself embarking on an adventure to build his own underground empire.

This is one of the rare installments of the famed Grand Theft Auto series that Rockstar decided to bring to the mobile platform. However, the game still retains all the essence that made the GTA: Vice City a worldwide phenomenon. It was so successful that not only did it receive numerous praises from critics, but it also won a Game of the Year award, becoming the best-selling game of 2002.
Download GTA: Vice City on Google Play.
Gangstar Vegas
Gangstar Vegas is an open-world action-adventure game published by Gameloft. Gangstar Vegas almost brings the feel of playing a GTA game on mobile devices. It allows gamers to freely roam in a large open-world environment, performing actions similar to GTA like fighting on the street, provoking gang wars in the city of Las Vegas. The game includes more than 80 quests, enough to keep players on the phones.

As a product of Gameloft, gamers can be assured of the quality of graphics and gameplay. Although a mobile game was released in 2013, but not so that Gangstar Vegas became less attractive and outdated.
Download Gangstar Vegas for free on Google Play.
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead, also known as The Walking Dead: A Telltale Games Series and The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series, is a video game series that takes place in the universe of The Walking Dead comics by Robert Kirkman. The was developed and published by Telltale Games, in association with Skybound Entertainment.

Unlike what happens on television adaptation, players will step into a world full of zombies and take on independent adventures. The elements of action, guillotine, horror... that frequently present in this series made it is easy to understand why it’s labeled “18+” on Google Play.
Download The Walking Dead Game Series on Google Play.
Gangstar New Orleans
Released in 2017, Gangstar New Orleans is a direct sequel to Gangstar Vegas and is part of the Gangstar franchise, published by Gameloft. Gangstar New Orleans is undoubtedly a major upgrade from its predecessor.

The game, as the name suggests, will take players to New Orleans where their adventure begins. Though being rated as the installment with the highest quality graphic in the whole series, Gangstar New Orleans is surprisingly light.
Download Gangstar New Orleans on Google Play.
GTA San Andreas
GTA San Andreas was released by Rockstar in 2004. 16 years since its launch, San Andreas is still one of the most beloved installments of the GTA franchise. The adventure of CJ and gang mates will forever be Rockstar Games’ best creation.

The game revolves around an African-American protagonist named Carl Johnson, who has left his hometown of Los Santos (fictional city based on Los Angeles) to make a new life in Liberty City (Based on New York City). However, after hearing that his mother was killed in a bloody conflict, Carl decided to return and track down the culprit.

Being a game ported to the mobile platforms, but GTA: San Andreas still manages to keep its original art style, gameplay, and features.
Download GTA: San Andreas on Google Play.