Xiao is a powerful Anemo character, one of the strongest in the game. However, due to his unusual gameplay, many players underestimate Xiao. Therefore, in this article, Gurugamer.com is going to showcase the top 5 reasons to pull for Xiao in Genshin Impact.

1. Already reach full power at C0

Unlike a number of 5-star characters in Genshin, Xiao does not need players to pull for multiple copies to be useful. Players can use Xiao's whole kit at C0, and his constellations from C1-C5 do not bring any significant changes to his damage output. This makes the character very F2P friendly.

Players can pull for Xiao without having to worry about his constellation.

This is miles better than characters like Raiden Shogun or Hu Tao, who need C2 and C1 respectively to be effective. This means f2p players can't really enjoy them to the fullest.

2. Can function solo without any team support

Xiao is one of the few Genshin Impact characters who can carry the whole team singlehandedly. He does not need any support at all to be effective.

Switching him out would dispel his Burst.

With his element being Anemo, Xiao can't really deal damage with reactions. To create a team to support Xiao, players can just stack the lineup with characters who can deal damage off-field such as Xiangling, Xingqiu or Fischl. If your Xiao is not that strong yet, you might want to use a healer or shielder like Bennett or Zhongli to keep him alive.

3. AoE DPS

Xiao's main method of dealing damage, his charged attack, has a great AoE. Because of that, Xiao is a fair bit ahead of characters who can only deal damage to single targets. He can clear swarms of enemies quickly, making domain clears a breeze.

Dealing Massive Damage with Xiao

His plunges also have a bit of crowd control, staggering enemies and pushing them back. When used at the right time, players can prevent enemies from unleashing their powerful attacks.

4. Easy to build

Xiao has just had a brand new artifact set released, designed solely around his skillset. The Vermillion Hereafter artifact set gives the user attack buffs after using their elemental burst, and every time they take damage, the buff would further increase by 10%.

Vermillion Hereafter set

Overall, Vermillion Hereafter can gain up to 66% ATK boost, and Xiao is the only effective user of the set, as his elemental burst drains his HP. Players can get to 4 stacks pretty easily, and the set effect actually lasts almost as long as his burst.

Alternatively, players can just get a two-piece Viridescent Venerer and a two-piece Shimenawa's Reminiscence set.

5. Unique playstyle

While this is fairly subjective, playing Xiao is much more entertaining than most other characters in Genshin. As plunging attacks can only be used from higher elevations, no other characters in Genshin actually build around it, except for Xiao. His dash is also fun to play around with.

His playstyle is unlike any other Genshin Impact character.

If you have gotten bored with the usual skill + burst + attack rotation of the usual Genshin Impact characters, getting Xiao would definitely be a breath of fresh air.

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