Garena has been releasing a lot of new characters in Free Fire, with the newest characters like Chrono and Shirou having overpowered skills. However, some older characters are still very much usable - in this article, we would show you why Paloma is still worth using.

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1 - Paloma's ability "Arms Dealing"

Paloma's special ability is called Arms-dealing. This skill allows her to carry more AR ammo with her while not taking up the space of the backpack.  You can collect Paloma's memory fragments to upgrade her skill up to Level 6 - below are the statistics of the skill, based on levels

Image 1 Paloma Character In Free Fire

  • Arms-dealing Level 1: 30 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.
  • Arms-dealing Level 2: 60 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.
  • Arms-dealing Level 3: 90 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.
  • Arms-dealing Level 4: 120 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.
  • Arms-dealing Level 5: 150 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.
  • Arms-dealing Level 6: 180 AR ammo will not take up inventory space.

2 - Why and when should you use Paloma's Ability?

With Assault rifles being the most popular weapon classes in the game, the ability to carry AR ammo without taking up space is useful in every match, as you would be using an AR sooner or later. You don't even need to upgrade this skill up and waste your resources, as level 3 (90) is completely usable.

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The extra space enables a lot of new combinations - players can now carry extra SG, SMG ammo, grenades and medkit. Paloma's ability is fairly vanilla - it can go with any skill builds. The best period for this ability to shine is the late game, in which your stock of medkits and grenades would have an effect.

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