Great video games always contain materials coming from real life, from ideas to character designs. And thanks to the great development of technology, the graphics of video games nowadays is greatly improved, which enables the game designers to bring real locations into their games. The iconic game franchise Grand Theft Auto has been doing this for years. Many legendary locations in this game franchise are based on real locations in life, and Grand Theft Auto V does contain multiples ones too.
So how about we take a look at the top ten locations in Grand Theft Auto V that take the inspiration from real locations. These are all “near-replica” locations, but you guys may not have known all of them yet. Without keeping you waiting any longer, right below is our list.

Real-life inspiring location: the Griffith Observatory

You might have driven through the Galileo Observatory many times while you play Grand Theft Auto V, but it is hard actually to realize that it is an observatory. The reason is simple: this location is not accessible for players. However, you can find a lot of telescopes lying around the building. Toss some coins into a telescope, and you will see that this is actually a really cool place to take view of Los Santos city.
The inspiration for the Galileo Observatory is the Griffith Observatory, a famous landmark in Los Angeles city, California, USA. We do hope that if Rockstar Games keeps this location in GTA VI, please make it available for players.
Real-life inspiring location: the Hollywood Sign
Well, what do we have to say about this one? If you have to read this article of ours to find out about this, then please do not ever call yourself a Grand Theft Auto player.
Again, if this sign shows up in Grand Theft Auto VI, then we would love to be able to climb on it in the game.
Real-life inspiring location: Santa Monica Pier
If you have ever had a chance to travel around the US, you will immediately realize the connection between the Del Perro Pier in Grand Theft Auto V and the Santa Monica Pier in real life. The Santa Monica Pier is a location in California too, so you can see how much this state in the USA impacts our favorite game.
Real-life inspiring location: Venice beach
Not just modern man-made locations, natural locations in real life are inspirations for locations in Grand Theft Auto V. The Vespucci beach can be found on the west coast of Los Santos. This place is a common gathering place for hipsters in the game. Of course, it is hard for any of us to realize that the Vespucci beach is based in Venice Beach since beaches do look like each other very much. However, if you have ever had a chance to feel the vibe of Venice Beach, you will know (by feeling) that this is actually the Vespucci beach.
Real-life inspiring location: the Bixby Canyon Bridge in Big Sur, California
The Big Creek Bridge in Grand Theft Auto V is not a famous location, and we have to admit that. However, if you have driven down the western highway, or have been on a boat in the ocean of the west, you must have seen this bridge at least once. If you have seen this bridge once, then you could have predicted the location that inspired the Big Creek Bridge. It was the Bixby Canyon Bridge. Locating in Big Sur, California, this bridge and the Big Creek Bridge in our game is extremely similar to each other.
Real-life inspiring location: The Playboy Mansion
Okay, if you need this article of ours to discover this, we have to ask whether you have played Grand Theft Auto V or not? Almost every single gamer of the game can discover this, so we do not need to explain much about this location. But if you are a newbie of the game, remember to visit this place at night. This iconic mansion is extremely “lively” at night.
Real-life inspiring location: the Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyard
You can find the Marlowe Vineyard in the northern area of Los Santos city. The northern area always has the most stunning view in Grand Theft Auto V, and the Marlowe Vineyard is a perfect example. Judging from the level of similarity, we predict that this location is inspired by the Malibu Rocky Oaks Estate Vineyard.
Both locations have a house on the top, and if you can visit those two houses, that would be the dream for any Grand Theft Auto V players.
Real-life inspiring location: mount San Jacinto
Mount Chiliad is the highest mountain in Grand Theft Auto V, and this mountain contains many conspiracies, namely Big Foot and UFO. However, if we put those conspiracies aside, this mountain is extremely similar to the Mount San Jacinto in California.
Real-life inspiring location: the Los Angeles River
This is an iconic location in Grand Theft Auto V. There are many races and missions happening in the Los Santos Storm Drain, so if you have finished this game, you have for sure encountered this area more than once. It is not hard at all to find out that this location took inspiration from the famous Los Angeles River.
However, in the game, the Los Santos Storm Drain has a much smaller “river's proportion” than the Los Angeles River. We do not know why Rockstar Games does that, but some say that Rockstar Games reduces the river’s size so that players can drive through it, and we agree with that statement.
Real-life inspiring location: the Watts Towers in Los Angeles
You can find the Rancho Towers in the southern part of the Los Santos city. This location clearly took inspiration from the Watt Towers. Both of these two locations do not have any other purpose than decoration, so you probably should take a look at the Rancho Towers in the game.