Minecraft does have a level system. Players can collect Experience Points (EXP) by performing certain tasks in-game such as killing mobs or mining. Those EXP farms in Minecraft will come in very handy for enchanting, repairing tools, applying name tags, and more.

For your information, Experience Points in Minecraft are small yellow and green colored orbs. You can collect them just by standing near. In the early days of the game, EXP did not have many uses, but now, they're a valuable resource, especially when you lose all of your EXP, you will die.
Let's check out 5 easy ideas for a starter EXP farm in Minecraft to help you kick off the game!
#5. Spawner Farm
Building a spawner farm is one of the easiest ways to get loads and loads of EXP in Minecraft. The greatest thing about this method is you don't have to do much. But you do need to find yourself a spawner first. Spawners are often found in Dungeons or Mineshafts, you'll notice them right away with the moss and cobblestone walls.

To craft a spawner farm, you need to build a 9x9x8 room, with the spawner at the center. Remember to place down torches on all sides to prevent mobs from spawning. Pour water on one side of the room floor to direct the mobs towards the killing chamber. Here they will drown and give you easy EXP and other resources.
The best type of mobs you want to farm is Cave Spiders. Their spawners can only be found in the abandoned Mineshafts. In return, killing Cave Spiders gives you strings, Spider Eyes, and a whole lot of EXP.
#4. Raid farm
Pillagers will start attacking the village if players with a bad omen effect get close to a villager. But you can make the most out of this situation by building a farm from it. This will give you EXP, emeralds, and other items from raiders. Rummage through a pillager outpost to get bad omen to get things going first.
Here's a super simple raid farm by YouTuber Mysticat. Sit back and relax as the farm do all the work for you!
The best item you want to get from this EXP farm in Minecraft is the Totem of Undying. It grants you 1 extra life whenever you hold it in your hand. It's pretty much a get-out-of-jail-free card to bail you out in sticky situations. Have several of them in your inventory will surely help with your journey.
#3. Smelting
Not many players know this but smelting actually gives EXP in Minecraft. Only a few players try to take advantage of it to build an XP farm in Minecraft. However, with just a bit of work, you can exploit smelting for EXP super easily. But first, you will need to find yourself some bamboo and cactus, plus a furnace.
Bamboo will turn the cactus into the green dye and give you EXP in the process. Create an automatic bamboo and cactus farm and direct both of them to a furnace.

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#2 - Zombie Trap Farm
Zombies will try to attack villagers, meaning you can make a simple trap using a villager to catch zombies at night. It will be super fun for you, but not so much for the zombies and the villager.
What you want to do is to trap the villager a few blocks above the surface. Then, use water to drown the zombies standing below. Too bad this farm only works at night. This simple Minecraft XP farm is super easy to set up but really effective. You want to build this contraption in the desert or somewhere that spawns a truckload of zombies.

#1. Classic Mob XP Farm - The Best EXP Farm In Minecraft
Nothing beats the classic! The Tower Mob farm is one of the oldest mob farms in Minecraft. Yet, my oh my is it ever effective. Players can farm tons of EXP and items from these contraptions. However, tower mob farms will take more effort.
The best locations for building tower farms are either high up in the sky or in the middle of the ocean. Creating a dark chamber for mobs to spawn then push them fall down a long tube.
The loot you get from the tower farm will vary depending on the type of mobs. Ideally, you will have chests and chests full of armors, gunpowders, arrows, and more! Some players have reportedly had problems using this XP farm though. For some reason, no mobs spawn in the chamber. If you suffer from the same thing, read our analysis to find out what's wrong.

That's all you need to know about the easiest ideas for EXP farm in Minecraft. Set yourself up with more XP than you will ever need!
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