Collecting all items in Minecraft is a common goal of players, as they are a source of achievements, decorations and utilities. With Minecraft being a randomly generated open world game, finding some of those items are not easy. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top 5 rarest items in Minecraft 1.18 and how to find them.

5. Music Discs

Music discs are 14 unique items that can be played in jukeboxes. When killed by any skeleton or stray, a creeper drops a random music disc in addition to its normal drops (excluding otherside and Pigstep).

Music Disc In Minecraft
The 14 unique Music Discs are the rarest drop items in Minecraft to farm.

Besides mob drops, players can also find music discs inside treasure chests from structures.

Java Edition
Music Disc (13)DungeonChest121.5%
Woodland mansionChest121.8%
Music Disc (cat)DungeonChest121.5%
Woodland mansionChest121.8%
Music Disc (otherside)DungeonChest13.1%
StrongholdAltar chest12.5%
Music Disc (Pigstep)Bastion remnantGeneric chest15.6%
Bedrock Edition
Music Disc (13)DungeonChest121.8%
Woodland mansionChest121.5%
Music Disc (cat)DungeonChest121.8%
Woodland mansionChest121.5%
Music Disc (mellohi)Buried treasureChest118.9%
Music Disc (wait)Buried treasureChest118.9%
Music Disc (Pigstep)Bastion remnantGeneric chest15.6%

4. Mob heads

Mob heads are great decoration items that Minecraft players can acquire. Some heads are needed to spawn the Wither while others can even be worn on top of the player's head. There are six types of heads: player (only Steve's head), zombie, skeleton, wither skeleton, creeper, and dragon.

Charged Creeper Minecraft
The Charged Creeper can create a devastating explosion.

In Java Edition, a charged creeper explosion that kills zombies, skeletons, wither skeletons, or other creepers causes one of those mobs to drop its corresponding mob head. Only one mob can drop with a single creeper explosion, so if multiple valid mobs are killed the one that drops a head is chosen at random.

3. Chainmail armor

Despite there being chain items, chainmail armor cannot be crafted. In terms of protection value, chainmail armor only offers medium protection. It's stronger than leather or gold armor but weaker than iron. Yet, it's rarer than diamond armor somehow, considering you can craft diamond armor.

The only way to obtain them is via random drop from certain mobs, trading with villagers or opening chests.

Chainmail Armor Ingame
Chainmail armor in Minecraft

2. Nether Star

The Nether Star drops after you defeat a Wither, the most powerful boss in the game. One nether star is dropped each time; the drop chance or amount is not affected by the Looting enchantment.

It can be used to craft beacons. A beacon is a block that projects a light beam skyward and can provide status effects such as Speed, Jump Boost, Haste, Regeneration, Resistance, or Strength to nearby players.

Beacons are created from Netherstar - this is why they share the same slot.

1. Dragon Egg

The dragon egg is a decorative block or a "trophy item", and is the rarest item obtainable in the game. Players can't even get this block in the creative menu.

  • In Java Edition, a single dragon egg is generated on top of the exit portal when the first ender dragon is defeated.
  • In Bedrock Edition, two dragons eggs generate on top of the exit portal; one generates when the first ender dragon is defeated, while the other generates when the second ender dragon is defeated.
Minecraft Dragon Egg
Dragon Egg is one of the rarest drop items in Minecraft.

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