No true hard-core gamers have heard of Plague Inc. This is a strategy game (released in 2012) with an extremely unique play style. In the game, you will be controlling a pathogen with the mission to spread the disease throughout human history and combat against humanities various immunity systems like natural immunity systems of the human bodies or vaccines. And to make the game even more realistic, the developer of Plague Inc. has just published a petition to see whether players of the game want to add anti-vaxxers feature into the game.
We can easily imply that this action from the developing team of Plague Inc. has taken advantage of the massive anti-vaxxing trend lately. This trend started with a false belief that kids being vaccinated are likely to have autism. Of course, we all know that is without a doubt false information, but the anti-vaxxers seemingly do not think so.
The developer of Plague Inc. posted their petition on their Twitter account saying that if this petition got over the minimum 10,000 signatures, they will soon add the anti-vaxxers feature into the game.
And, just as we expected, the petition was completed within a matter of days. Players of the game are quite excited with this new feature, and the petition was completed easily. The developer of Plague Inc. has also announced via their Twitter account about the completion of this petition as well as their excitement to prepare this interesting feature into their game. This anti-vaxxers feature is certainly a buff for players to spread the disease they are controlling more easily.
Plague Inc., in general, is seemingly just a joke, a funny game where gamers who like making strategies show their skills. But if you look closer, you will see that this game actually has quite a lot of educational values. And this action of adding anti-vaxxers feature is an example of the educational values of this game. This is not the first time developer of Plague Inc. adding real-life feature into their game. Back in 2013, Plague Inc. had a partnership with the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation to raise awareness on Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Day, and this campaign actually worked.