Ashes of Creation was one of the most successful Kickstarter titles in 2017. It attracted more than three million dollars, which was considered a big surprise by many. However, at the end of 2018, Intrepid Studio did something unexpected: They released a beta version of the game with a Battle Royale mode. The beta was named Apocalypse - and according to the developer, it would serve as a "trial" for the combat system of their main project, the MMO.

Below is the trailer for the game:
Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse has just made its debut on Steam Early Access as a free to play title. Besides solo-player battle royale, pair, and squads of maximum five players, this game also supports modes consisting of horde battles and castle blockade.

According to Sharif, this Battle Royale is just the first available mode in Apocalypse, which allowed them to test their combat system along with rebuilding their network infrastructure by receiving feedback and input from their community, together with the data they have been gathering since early testing.

Ashes of Creation: Apocalypse is available for free on Steam. As this title is a test version of the MMO, all the items, abilities and models in this game would most likely be reused later. By playing this game, you would get a peek inside the development process.

Furthermore, the devs also said that everyone who participated in Apocalypse would receive a reward in when the MMO comes out, as they have aided in the testing process through playing the game.
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