The upcoming title of Darksiders franchise is just revealed on the site of Geoff Keighley's E3 Coliseum. The leaked information says that the game will be announced on Thursday, Jun 13 on the Darksiders: Action Adventure Evolved.

Darksiders: Action Adventure Evolved, will announce the upcoming Darksiders title along with the franchise's history and its plans for the future. From the moment Darksiders 3 came out one year ago, this is the first time a brand-new Darksiders title was mentioned.

Below is the summary in the Darksiders panel at the E3 Coliseum:

"A discussion about the inception of the Darksiders universe and where it's headed next. This panel will coincide with the E3 2019 unveil of a brand new Darksiders game that takes the franchise in a fresh direction. This is a panel discussion about the art and business of creating and maintaining an action-adventure franchise rich in-game and corporate lore."

What they mean by "fresh direction" is still a mystery. However, fans who love the franchise have all the right to hope for an entirely new adventure of the game, from a new aesthetic look to a brand-new style for the action-RPG game, or some additions to the storyline which adapted the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse into an action-fantasy world in the past.

A new Darksiders is coming!

Darksiders 3 was given a score of 70 on Metacritic. This is actually a fairly good score. Still, we players all know that the entire Darksiders franchise has always been struggling to avoid being compared to other titles in the action-adventure genre, especially the Legend of Zelda 3D games.

However, there is a considerable number of fans who still love the series, and this upcoming Darksiders title has proven that THQ Nordic is still intending to keep this franchise alive. This newest title of Darksiders will be in the collection of 80 games that are being developed by THQ at the moment.