Money transfer is a popular activity in GTA Online. Players can give others cash or transfer in-game money to friends. Check out this guide on how to drop money as well as give money to other players in GTA Online here.
Table of Contents

I. Can You Drop Money In GTA 5 Online?
In fact, GTA Online players cannot drop money on the ground to give others cash like other items, such as weapons and medkits. If you drop cash rolls you rob from banks on the ground by dragging it out of the inventory, it will disappear right away. Besides, you cannot interact with your cash in the bank account physically. So, there is no way on how to drop money in GTA 5 Online.
How to make cash drop in GTA Online for stealing
The only way to make the cash drop on the ground in GTA Online physically is by killing the character who is holding the cash. But it's only for robbing money from NPC and other players. Many players often bring cash with them when roaming around. When you murder these players, you can check their Inventory and take all their belongings.
But stealing money from other players makes the game toxic. You will make other players annoyed and hate you. Then, you will have an enemy instead of a friend. Though it's the only way on how to drop cash in GTA 5, you shouldn't do it too often.

You can also be murdered and all money you bring will be stolen by real online players. To avoid being robbed, you should keep all your money in the bank. It's safer for your savings.
II. How To Give Money In GTA 5 Online 2021
You can also share money in the heist. GTA Online players can join others to do heists together and earn money. You can share your earnings from these jobs with other players easily.
Follow these steps to share money with friends in this game.
- Launch the Online mode in GTA 5.
- Open the Interaction Menu.
- Go to Inventory and select Cash.
- Select the option of 'Share Cash from Last Job'.
- Choose the percentage of the earnings you want to give other players.
It's very easy to give money to others in GTA 5. If you share the earnings fairly, you will have a new partner to do other heists and jobs with you. The game will be more interesting and enjoyable when you have more friends.

Why Giving Money Is Necessary?
GTA Online has a lot of events with huge money prize pools. Hardworking players can earn a lot of cash, get rich, and increase their properties quickly. But it makes some busy players who cannot join all those events and jobs lagged behind.
Those players may remove the game when they are too poor in comparison with other players on the same server. Therefore, to make your friends stay in the game with you and enjoy interesting activities, Rockstar lets you give your friends more money from the job they attend.

How To Make Money In GTA Online?
There are many ways to make money in GTA Online. Try to earn money and get rich soon. You can also earn money to share with your friends if they are too busy to stay online. Here are the best ways to get money in this game:
- From heists.
- Winning races.
- From Cargo jobs.
- Doing background works, such as Gunrunning and Motorcycle Clubs.
- Joining events.
There are many other activities but you shouldn't use hack tools to earn cash in GTA Online. Rockstar does not allow players to use hack tools to cheat for money.

III. FAQs On GTA 5 Online Money Transfer
A lot of players, especially beginners in GTA 5 Online, do not understand the money transfer. Here are some common questions about money transfer in this game. Let's go to find the answers to them.
1. Why can't I drop cash in GTA Online?
GTA 5 Online players cannot drop cash on the ground to give others because Rockstar does not add this feature to the game. But you can still give money to other players in GTA Online in some other ways as mentioned in the previous session.

2. How to drop money in GTA 5 story mode?
It's impossible to give money in the story mode of GTA 5 because you have no friends to interact with. You will play alone in this offline mode. Therefore, there is no need to give anyone cash or transfer money in GTA 5 Story mode.
There is no guide for dropping cash in GTA 5 story mode either. Money rewards for missions and heists will be added to your game account automatically by the AI system.
Those are all you need to know about money transfer in GTA Online. Have you learned how to drop money in GTA 5 Online? Just practice to understand it well.
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