With the recent ban of PUBG Mobile in India, it is about time for you to find some other games to play, as it would not coming out of the ban list any time soon. Amongst the various choices available, the closest thing we have to PUBG Mobile is its PC version - PlayerUnknown's Battle Ground. After nearly 4 years, the game has been optimized greatly and is probably ready for all types of PC to access - in this article, we would list out the process of migrating from PUBG Mobile to PUBG PC.

PUBG has much less clutter on the screen

1 - PUBG or PUBG Lite?

There are two versions of PUBG on PC currently, one is the original on Steam and the other is PUBG Lite, a standalone game from PUBG Corps. Below are the minimum system requirements for both versions:


The PC version obviously looks much better

OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

CPU: Intel i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300

Memory: 8 GB RAM

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB

PUBG Lite:

PUBG Lite graphics

OS: Windows 7,8,10, 64bit

CPU: Core i3 2.4GHz

Memory: 4 GB RAM

GPU: Intel HD Graphics 4000

The full version of PUBG requires a modern PC with a low tier graphics card just to run at the minimum settings. If your PC does not surpass the requirements above, it is best to go with PUBG Lite. Furthermore, the Lite version is Free while the PC version is $20 on Steam. To play PUBG you would need a Steam account, with the Lite version requires a separate account.

2 - What are the differences between PUBG PC and PUBG Mobile?

There are much fewer arcade game modes in PUBG PC

The PC version has much fewer modes and events, due to it being a premium game instead of Free to Play. Updates are pretty slow - after almost 5 years, the game has only reached season 8. Most of PUBG PC's gameplay would be focused on the battle royale mode, with the other modes like Team Deathmatch being pretty unpopular. If you are a fan of PUBG Mobile's arcade modes like Payload, RageGear, and the like, you would be disappointed.

PUBG PC is slower, harder and more complicated

There are numerous minor differences between the two versions - most of them were made to reduce the clutter that usually affects mobile gameplay. For example, PUBG Mobile has auto pick up items on the map, while you have to manually pick up and attach in the PC version. There are no minimap indicators in the PC version - if you got sniped, you would not be able to know the direction it was coming from.

Overall, it is a much more difficult experience. The gameplay is slower and feels more real, with weapon recoil being much more substantial. There is also a 15x scope that makes snipers twice as dangerous comparing to PUBG Mobile's maximum of 8x.

PUBG PC also has a unique map called Karakin, with destructible walls and explosives.

Different controls and user interface

Due to the nature of being a mobile game, PUBG Mobile's screen is filled with buttons and symbols - which would hamper your perception of the world to an extend. In PUBG PC there is no such thing, as everything is controlled by mouse and keyboard. Due to the accuracy provided by the mouse, there is no aim assist in PC.


PUBG PC is substantially better looking than its Mobile version due to the processing power of the PC. Despite the game was released quite a while ago, it is still amongst the best looking shooters on the market.

3 - How to play PUBG PC?

With PUBG being an online game, there is no way to pirate or get the game for free. If you have bought the game on steam, just download and run it. Otherwise, you can play PUBG Lite, the free version. It is pretty much the same as the normal PUBG, with uglier graphics.

Interested in more of our articles related to PUBG Mobile and its ban in India? Please check out this post to find out more about the 5 alternatives for PUBG Mobile.