Lornsword is surely a very strange game, it is an RTS title featuring local split-screen battles and co-op that use a gamepad to control. In this game, you will be building bases in order to spawn warriors. Then they will queue up and go towards the base of your enemy to fight. The only way to destroy your foe is with a overwhelm numbers.  Tower Five has made quite a strange game, but yet it is satisfying.

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This game is somewhere between Lemmings and AoE.

A mouse cursor commander?

In Lornsword, you will step in the shoes of the commander, who works kinda like a mouse cursor. Then you could also summon building by holding Y on the controller, while standing on glyphs will allow you to purchase upgrades. Once you get your mages, archers, and skirmishers pouring constantly toward the enemy you could use the right trigger to take direct control of them as your personal escort and go around solving problems. The enemies are attacking your farm? Just grab some lads to deal with them.  If you find yourself in a tight spot, then you could use the spirits to attack your enemies temporarily with magic. Moreover, you could also use the stone golem to tear the buildings down.

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The enemies are attacking your farm? Just grab some lads to deal with them.

Now here's a fun trick

Just grab the guys from the back and control them to go to the front

Once the base operates well, then your remaining task is to curate the creep wave. Here's a useful trick: You can actually use your ability to control units to clump your units together into a huge chunk, which will have a better chance against those guard towers of your enemy. Basically, just grab the guys from the back and control them to go to the front. That doesn't have much tactical value but still, it is always fun to see a group of tiny people smashing each other.

All in all, Lornsword is an OK installment in the RTS genre. There's nothing groundbreaking about it, but it does shake up the usual formula a little bit. The game controls work fine, and they have uses the glyphs very cleverly to replace the UI elements that would usually require you to use a mouse. The game is currently in Early Access, so give it a look if you want to.