My Hero Academia is one of the most popular manga/anime series in recent years, filling the voids made by Naruto and Bleach. It is the story of a ground of youngsters whose aspirations are to become heroes. The series has been really successful in both Japan and the World, with four seasons of anime along with a big amount of merchandise and side contents released. Amongst the aforementioned spinoffs, there is a decent 3D fighting game called My Hero: One’s Justice.

Due to the popularity of the game, a sequel named My Hero One’s Justice 2 was announced back in Sept by Namco Bandai. While the reveal only included a short teaser of the game, a vague release window of 2020 was revealed.

A finishing move by Deku

And finally, an official release date for the game was announced today: My Hero One’s Justice 2 would be available on PC and all console systems on Mar 13, 2020. The game’s single-player campaign is a direct continuation of the first game – it would follow the anime’s story, but with some revamps and new characters. The grand battle between All Might and All For One would occur right on the start of the game.

The cast in this game would be way bigger than the original

The story would start from there then continues until the end of the fourth anime season, in which Deku faces the new villain Overhaul. The game’s delay is probably more or less because of the anime, as it hasn’t ended yet. The sequel would feature a bigger cast of characters than the original game, even season 4’s new characters like Overhaul or Mirio. Old favorites like Eraserhead, Bakugo, and Froppy would also be on the front and center as well.

The tag team system would be kept

The first game, while being short, is a decent tag team fighter. The gameplay in the sequel would remain the same, as you will be switching between the three heroes in your roster while running around. Sidekicks would now be able to perform “plus ultra” attacks – you would have to pick them more carefully now to compliment your playstyle.

.As My Hero One is based on an anime, fights could become ridiculously flashy and over the top. Interested in more of our articles related to upcoming videogames? Please check out this post for the top 10 longest RPGs ever.