Previously on June, the developer Free Style has revealed their upcoming isometric horror tag game - Obakeidoro! However, at that time, we only have a glimpse at the gameplay, as well as there's no information on the game's release date.

However, today, Free Style has announced that Obakeidoro! is very close to us now. Alongside this announcement, they also released a trailer showcasing a lot of funny features about the gameplay.

I can't still get over how funny the character looks when she gets caught by a ghost. If you're curious, here's the trailer for you:

Obakeidoro! is simple to get used to, and fun to play as well

Unlike other horror games, Obakeidoro! takes a friendlier approach, in which most players can enjoy regardless of being a fan or not. Basically, it's a game of tag where there is the ghost side and the children side. By some means, three children have been trapped in a closed graveyard, and they'll have to run away from a terrifying ghost.

Obakeidoro New Trailer Releases August 28 1
The kids have to avoid the ghost in three minutes

The win condition of the kids is very simple: stay away from the hand of the ghost until the time runs out. There will be three players controlling those three kids, but the kids will win even with only one standing. In order to do so, they'll need to run around and hide behind the object, trying to avoid getting caught as long as possible.

However, the ghost is very fast and dangerous, so the children need something to stop them temporarily. Hence, they must approach certain areas in the map, trigger a lantern to burst out the light, stunning their ghost and give them extra time to run away.

Obakeidoro New Trailer Releases August 28 2
The child can stun the ghost by bursting light onto them.

Being a ghost is much easier. You don't have to follow the rule of reality, as you can go (or jump) through walls. Furthermore, you can even hide inside objects and choose the right time to pop out and scare the heck out of the child. After catching one kid, you will have to put them in the cage and finding your next one. You will win if you manage to catch all three children.

Obakeidoro New Trailer Releases August 28 3
The ghost can hide in the objects and wait for the proper time to strike

Meanwhile, the other children might find a way to release the imprisoned one by reaching the cage, so you'll have to keep your eyes sharp.

Obakeidoro New Trailer Releases August 28 4
Be mindful about the prison while looking for other children

A game of Obakeidoro will last for three minutes. While the kids want the time go pass rapidly, the ghost will want to enjoy catching their victims forever. Playing Obakeidoro is fun and frantic, which is suitable for everyone!

Obakeidoro New Trailer Releases August 28 5
The developer has done a great job with characters' expressions

Release date

Obakeidoro! is going to come out for Nintendo Switch via the eShop on August 29.

Players from both North America and Europe region can get the game at the price of $19.99 / £16.99.
