Every year, Roorkee, the DoMS of Indian Institute of Technology, holds Exuberance, an annual festival that consists of numerous competitions and events, either indoor or outdoor eSports and sports. As stated by news agency PTI, PUBG, the most well-known multiplayer online game recently, has made its way to Exuberance this year. PUBG has just been released since late 2017 but it has quickly become one of the most famous online game. In addition, it seems like females are also getting enthusiastic about this news since they are hoping to break the myth of male-dominated PUBG. Below is a newly created female squad of PUBG Mobile.

PUBG female players are looking for breaking the myth of it male-dominated game

Besides PUBG, other popular online games will be in this fest such as Counter-Strike and Need For Speed. Football, badminton, basketball, and other either indoor or outdoor sports will be included in this event.

A PUBG participant, also an MBA freshman, named Radhika shared that her brother has introduced here to this multiplayer online game. Since then, she has been addicted to PUBG. As a result, she was so excited hearing that her favorite mobile game is available as an e-Sport game in this coming festival.

Pro PUBG Players have been making a lot of money from the game

Radhika also noted that she hopes other participants to have intense competition with other players. Besides, it is time to break the thoughts that PUBG is only dominated by males. She was so thrilled about PUBG and promised to perform her best in this event.

Besides the news, believed by some college professors, PUBG can improve soft skills including developing strategy, teamwork skills as well as enhancing the capabilities of making decisions among students.

Playing PUBG is said to enhance different soft skills

The IIT Roorkee’s Director of Management Studies, MK Baruah, answered to PTI that, this multiplayer game declares the improvement of teamwork skills along with multitasking skills. Also, it develops the ability to concentrate as well as shrewd judgment.

Moreover, the professor added that in the last few years, several games like Counter-Strike and FIFA had attended Exuberance. PUBG addiction has led to a buzz among students.

Interested in more articles about PUBG? Check this out.