Ice Water Games has announced their upcoming title Stones of Solace. It will continue the tradition of the developer on making art-driven games, and it will come out this summer.

Enjoy the peaceful trailer of Stones of Solace here:

About Stones of Solace

Summer is on the way with its searing heat. And in this kind of torture, it is best to sit down in your comfortable place and enjoy the soothing gaming experience.

Stones of Solace is the most suitable title for this kind of feelings. It provides players with a quiet place, let you calm yourself with daily rituals.

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Stones of Solace focus on meditating and calm experiences

To be more specific, the developer has described the game as a "minimalistic and contemplative ritual". It's minimalistic, so the gameplay is very simple. Every day, the game will give you a new idol that has its own meaning, and you'll have to craft them a gift with a list of items.

And that's all! It sounds very boring if you're finding a fascinating game with fancy actions or intense planning. Nevertheless, with the soothing soundtracks, it still brings an enjoyable experience of making your own art decorations.

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Decorate your art while enjoying soothing music

Furthermore, the statue and the item lists will change every day, so the game encourages you to check on a daily basis. That's how the game managed to provide you with the mental balance in your hot summer days.

This game is completely free to play, but it still gives you the chance to pay for what you want. We can't know for sure what will be purchasable yet, but I'm still looking forward to trying it!

Another art-driven game from the experimental developer

The developer of Stones of Solace - Ice Water Games - is the developer that wants to prime their label with the focal on experimental art-driven games.

Their last title - Ritual of the Moon, has also received a lot of high regards for its deep story. It tells the story of a witch that got exiled to the moon. Players will have to experience her loneliness and the turns of the story by checking the game every day.

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Ritual of the Moon

Ritual of the Moon is narrative but it doesn't encourage grinding. Instead, the game encourages players to gradually learn about the change in her emotional state. If you haven't heard about that name yet, check it out on the developer's page.

The official release date of Stones of Solace hasn't been confirmed yet, but it will come out at some times this summer.