Yesterday, TSM (Team SoloMid) PUBG created an AMA (Ask Me Anything) post on Reddit for fans and anyone who is interested in PUBG Esports to ask questions. If you aren't familiar with TSM, here are some quick info about them. TSM PUBG is a European team based in America. They have always been considered as one of the best PUBG team in the world. Here, we will give you a quick look at all the highlight from the post.

The coach of TSM revealed that the team currently has Gustav as the IGL (In-game leader) and mykLe as the secondary caller, who give alternative options when possible or call out mistakes. Other than that, the team has no other roles at all. To explain this matter, he explained that having every player capable of doing anything will make the team much stronger. It's very important for team members to trust each other to be able to accomplish any in-game task and that is what they are trying to achieve while keeping Gustav as the IGL.
When asked about their opinion on Sanhok as a competitive map, although they think that Sanhok is the least competitive map out of all, they actually don't mind it very much. In fact, Gustav thinks that Sanhok is actually very fun to play as it's very different from other maps. Between Sanhok and Vikendi, he thinks that Vikendi is the worse competitive map as it has too many buildings, which make the late game much more boring.

Gustav also points out some mistakes that many people made in the final circle and how to play it right. Generally, people in public match usually get scared and nervous in the endgame. As a result, they ended up doing nothing and dying. That is the biggest mistake of public players in the endgame phase, they are too passive. In competitive, it's actually quite different. The losing team is usually the one who engages first. It is best to wait for the others to fight each other and jump in.