With GTA 6 nowhere near release, fans of the series have to content themselves with GTA 5 for the time being. It is a 9-year-old game and can look rather bad graphically. However, there is a simple way to change that: using mods. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top 5 best visual mods for GTA Online in 2022. By installing them, players can make their GTA 5 look truly next-gen.

1. VisualVanilla

VisualVanilla is a graphics mod that subtly improves graphics without altering Rockstar Games' idea of how the game's setting feels for the players. It changes and improves a lot of thing while keeping it low-key and immersive. Some of the biggest changes of this mod are the removal of the annoying chromatic aberration and the massive overhaul of the underwater environment.


The beautiful VisualV's edited modifiers for areas & interiors, improved color correction, fixed rendering code, etc. Furthermore, all weathers have been reworked to match the vibe and colors to be as close as possible to Rockstar Games' design. This makes V feel less dated.

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2. VisualV

VisualV is a graphic overhaul modification for Grand Theft Auto V, bringing you completely redone weather effects, edited modifications for areas/interiors, improved color correction and much much more. These changes add some life to Los Santos and Blaine County, making the areas look much livelier.


The mod also fixes the game's rendering code, so your playing experience will be more smooth and nicer. Similar to VisualVanilla, VisualV also rewrites all weathers effect in the game.

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3. RTX-V Alter Graphics

RTX-V is a special mod that improves all lighting effects, making the world of GTA V look much more real. This mod can definitely rival some of the pay-to-use ENB graphics mods like NaturalVision Evolved (NVE).

RTX-V Alter Graphics

You would be surprised at the drastic improvement from lighting changes alone. Similar to the other mods on this list, RTX-V Alter Graphics also change weather effects and how they interact with lighting.

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4. Old Gen Visual

This mod restores various graphics elements from the PS3/X360 versions of the game to the PC version. Contrary to popular belief, this does not reduce the graphical quality of the PC edition at all. This makes the game look more like something released in the 2010s, which some players might prefer.

Old Gen Visual

The mod changes many things, from the timecycle, lens flare, lightning, light pollution, clouds... and more. The author also added a few optional tweaks, such as an alternate lens flare, and the ability to remove fog volumes, lens artifacts, and NGCoronas.

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5. PRSA - PhotoRealistic San Andreas ENB

PRSA ENB is an all-in-one and sophisticated visual enhancer, compatible with all weather and lighting mods, using custom shaders to offer the most natural and realistic visuals possible as a base to emulate photograph & movie pipelines. It makes your GTA look good enough for screenshots.

PRSA - PhotoRealistic San Andreas ENB

Players can try a huge number of different looks, emulating the effects of cameras, films, colorgrades and postprocessing.

Download here

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