In Minecraft, there's a multitude of blocks and items accessible to all players, and some often slip under the radar. One such item is the Heart of the Sea, with many players unsure about its use unless actively searching for it.

The Heart of the Sea holds great value in Minecraft, as it serves a specific purpose that significantly aids players in underwater gameplay. So, what does the heart of the sea do in Minecraft? Here's a guide on locating the Heart of the Sea and what to do with it once you've obtained this valuable treasure.

What is the Heart of the Sea in Minecraft

The Heart of the Sea is a scarce item found exclusively as buried treasure in Minecraft. To acquire it, players need to locate a shipwreck or ocean ruins first, where they can obtain a buried treasure map. This map will guide them to a specific location where the buried treasure, including the Heart of the Sea, is hidden.

Heart Of The Sea Inminecraft
The Heart of the Sea is a scarce item found exclusively as buried treasure in Minecraft.

The primary use of the Heart of the Sea is in crafting a conduit. This special item provides players with various beneficial effects when underwater, such as water breathing and underwater night vision. On the buried treasure map, a red X marks the spot where players should go to uncover the buried treasure, including the coveted Heart of the Sea. Let's find out more in the sections below.

>>> Read more: How To Find Buried Treasures In Minecraft

How to get Heart of the Sea in Minecraft

For players struggling to locate a shipwreck and ocean ruins in Minecraft, here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Step #1: Feed a dolphin raw cod or raw salmon. This action will guide you to the closest shipwreck, ocean ruins, or even lead you directly to buried treasure.
  • Step #2: If your first treasure chest doesn't contain a Heart of the Sea, break it. The dolphin will then guide you to the next potential treasure location.
  • Step #3: While on your journey, collect treasure maps and explore buried treasure locations until you find the coveted Heart of the Sea.

Buried treasure is typically found near beaches, but it can also be hidden elsewhere beneath the ocean floor. Unearthing buried treasure may require some underwater excavation, so keep a close watch on your air bubbles. Consider using an underwater breathing aid to prevent accidental drowning while on the quest for treasure.

Watch also:

What does the Heart of the Sea do in Minecraft?

The Heart of the Sea has a single purpose – to create a conduit, a powerful item that buffs players similarly to beacons. To craft a conduit, players need one Heart of the Sea and eight nautilus shells, which can be combined at a crafting table.

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How to make a conduit in Minecraft

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to make a conduit:

  1. Place the Heart of the Sea in the center of the crafting table.
  2. Arrange the eight nautilus shells in a circle around the Heart of the Sea.
  3. The option to craft a conduit will then appear.

The resulting conduit is a unique item with the Heart of the Sea floating in a box surrounded by shells. It not only provides players with buffs but also acts as a potent light source.

How To Make A Conduit In Minecraft
The resulting conduit is a unique item with the Heart of the Sea floating in a box surrounded by shells.

Conduits are valuable as they can be placed in a frame of the player's choice underwater, offering buffs and repelling hostile underwater mobs. The buff provided by conduits is called "Conduit Power," combining Water Breathing, Night Vision (while underwater), and Haste (while underwater). There are specific rules for using a conduit:

  • Construct a frame of prismarine-type blocks (such as sea lanterns, prismarine, dark prismarine, or prismarine bricks) for the conduit underwater.
  • Place the conduit in a three-by-three-by-three volume of water.
  • The frame must be at least 16 blocks, creating a 32-block range for the conduit to cover.

When a hostile underwater mob, like drowned or guardians, is within eight blocks of a conduit, the conduit will gradually attack the mob until it dies, provided it stays within range. The number of hits required depends on the mob's health.

What does the Heart of the Sea do in Minecraft: Conclusion

After unraveling the mystery of "What does the Heart of the Sea do in Minecraft?", a world of underwater possibilities emerges for players. Armed with this coveted treasure, we hope that Minecraft enthusiasts dive into the depths with newfound excitement, crafting conduits that not only enhance their abilities but also illuminate the mysterious ocean depths. May the Heart of the Sea be a beacon guiding players to uncharted realms and thrilling adventures beneath the waves.

How To Get Heart Of The Sea In Minecraft
Crafting conduits that not only enhance their abilities but also illuminate the mysterious ocean depths.

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