With games and gaming platforms no longer being region-bound, we have seen a sudden surge in the number of gamers all over the globe. Contrasting this with the situation several years ago, where one had to purchase games made for their console's region, it's simple to conclude that the player base will continue to expand in the upcoming years. As a matter of fact, Indians have become a significant part of the gaming scene, both as developers and as players.

The player count of Indians has gotten so high that well-known publishers and companies have diverted their attention towards creating games geared towards Indian gamers. Be it a smartphone, a PC, or a good 'ole console; one can find lovers of all gaming platforms in India. One could discover connoisseurs of all genres – be it FPS, RPG, SRPG, puzzle-based, or simulation. Heck, online gambling in India has seen a constant spike, and games like online poker are growing in popularity.

Mobile Gaming

The most inexpensive platform for gaming is also the most popular one in India. As everybody owns smartphones, the market for games with unique and extraordinary mechanics is ever-growing.

Clash of Clans: The Reigning Emperor of Mobile Games

With its debut in 2013, Clash of Clans has sunk its roots deep in every child’s, teen’s, or young adult's heart as the quintessential mobile game that everyone ought to play. With its simple to pick up, challenging to master gameplay, dozens of battle units with their strengths and weaknesses, challenging clan wars, and intricate resource management, Clash of Clans is an all-time classic that is beloved by all!

Temple Run 2 AKA The Blast From the Past

As anyone with a mobile phone in 2014, you must've heard of this game. Yes, the endless running game where the player character had to dodge several obstacles and get as high a score as possible before meeting his inevitable end at a poorly timed jump or an unexpected trap.

PUBG Cuts the Competition Down to Size

This new kid on the block entered the world of Indian gaming with a bang! As one of the most played multiplayer games in the world, PUBG has an enormous percentage of Indian players in its player base. With its gorgeous graphics, smooth controls, and genre spawning game mechanics, PUBG has made one thing clear – it's here to stay.

PC Gaming

Moving on to the big, bad PC gaming department, we have seen the emergence of several esports players and tournaments in India. Even without considering any multiplayer games, there are plenty of single-player games beloved by Indian players.

The FPS esports title – Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

What makes CS: GO the most popular FPS game in India is that it filled all the checkmarks needed to make an engaging game and then some. It requires the player to possess an incredible amount of skill to outwit their opponents. The gameplay loop where even old-time veterans can learn new things just by playing it for a few rounds, the vast number of skins available to show off your mettle, and the adrenaline rush felt after pulling off a headshot is just icing on top.

Tekken, The Fighting Game Where You Get to Pummel Your Friends

Remember those days of dashing into the arcades or stealthily finding your way to your family's laptop just to fight your friends in Tekken? This is what playing Tekken was all about – you facing off against your friend and beating him One on One like a champ (or suffering the humiliation of defeat) while your other friends watched and waited eagerly for the pummeling to end; so that they could finish their own feuds!

The Explosive Mayhem That is the Grand Theft Auto series!

The GTA series did one thing radically different than any other franchise – provide a chance for the player to become a metaphorical maelstrom and lay waste to everything as far as the eye could see, and it did so with finesse. With its simple and accessible gameplay mechanics, some might claim that Vice City was the best in the series; others might argue that San Andreas was where the series hit its peak with the charismatic and memorable characters, more sandbox elements, and a bunch of easter eggs to find. That being said, all will agree that every game in the GTA series is a masterpiece, and that is what makes it the most popular single-player series in India.

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