Overhit is definitely among the most beautiful mobile games we’ve seen to date. It’s pretty clear that the developer put quite a lot of effort into making the visuals of this game. And it could have been an incredible experience if only that hard work could have extended to the actual gameplay.

Unfortunately, as it is, Overhit is just another mainstream gacha RPG that is basically a contest to see who can spend (waste) more money.

Overhit trailer

What We Liked

Credit where credit is due, the graphics are absolutely stunning. It’s simply ecstatic to run this on an iPad Pro with all the graphics options maxed out. Overhit is really pushing the limits of what we can expect from a mobile game.

The game looks absolutely stunning

Aside from the visuals, the formation system is also another thing that at least shakes up the stale gameplay formula of this genre a little bit. Trying out different rosters is pretty entertaining, even if it’s ultimately pointless since there isn’t any real strategy in the game.

So you can have up to 5 heroes in a battle, and you have the option to arrange them in a 3x3 grid however you wish. Those who stand at the back will receive a 30% damage reduction, the middle a 15% reduction, and of course, the characters at the frontline will receive full damage.

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You get to arrange your team in different foundations

So the natural thought process would be to place the tanks at the front and the damage dealers in the back, but we had quite a lot of fun messing around with multiple different formations.

Finally, Overhit does have a level of polish that differentiates it from other lazy gachas. All the dialogues are fully voiced, by some outstanding voice actors from Japan no less, and the cutscenes are really well-animated. Granted, the story is just the usual cliché stuff that you often see in these types of games, but watching the cutscenes just for the animation is still pretty cool.

What We Didn’t Like

The problem with Overhit is not just in the game per se, but the entire genre itself. Surely all of us are sick of gachas and their distasteful tricks at this point, and it’s hardly what you could call a “game” anymore.

The early stage of the game is a piece of cake. You’ll just crush every enemy that stands in your way without any second thought, collecting tons of rewards and rare characters for free. This lures you into a false sense of accomplishment. You’re a god at this game, and you’ll have a blast with it until the very end without any real effort at all.

And then you hit the infamous “paywall,” where things get unreasonably difficult all of a sudden. After a series of smashing victories, you are eager to continue and cannot stand these obstacles, so you spend a few bucks to get over it. That doesn’t mean you’ll continue to have fun, though, as the same thing happens again just a few levels later.

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Ultimately, though, it's just your usual gacha autoplay RPG

The entire system is rigged from the start. It was intentionally designed so that you cannot progress no matter how hard you try, how much effort and time you put in. You MUST pay to win. So what’s the point in “playing”? That’s not a game, it’s just a waste of money

On top of that, saying “playing” here is a rather liberal term, as that’s hardly what you’ll do. Most of your time will be spent watching your characters automatically attack, and you just tap a button every now and then to have them perform some abilities. Not exactly what you’d call the height of strategy.

The Verdict:

Overhit is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful games on mobile, with a level of polish that makes it stand out from most other games of this genre. The formation system is also a nice addition with a lot of potentials.

Overhit Review Cover
A beautiful game with potential, but everything is wasted because of the greedy gacha formula

At the end of the day though, that’s not enough to redeem the actual experience, which is just the usual gacha in which you basically have to spend money if you want to make any real progress at all.