Plenty of people love watching esports, but there are even more who love betting on them. The best esports sites have a huge range of options when it comes to placing bets on everything from individual players and teams, to which game mode you think will be most popular at any given time.

Esports Growth

The best esports sites

The best esports betting sitesThe best esports betting sites have a wide variety of games, bonuses and promotions to choose from. They also have an easy-to-use interface that's easy on the eyes, making it easy for even non-technical people to get started playing and betting at these sites. If you're looking for a solid online sportsbook that focuses on esports betting, here are some recommendations:

  • Betway - This site offers everything you need in an online sportsbook with plenty of options for both new users and veterans alike!
  • ArcaneBet - This platform is packed full of features such as live streams from multiple angles so you can watch your favorite teams play no matter where they are located around the world!

Best 1v1 eSports games to bet on

DOTA 2: This is one of the most popular esports games in the world, with a huge community and many active players. The game is played by two teams of five players who each control a hero with unique abilities and powers. Each team must defend its own base while trying to destroy its opponents' structures through teamwork, strategy, and skillful use of the heroes' special powers. 

CS:GO: Counter Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) is a first-person shooter game that was originally released in 2012 as an updated version of Counter-Strike: Source (CSS). It features different modes such as Casual/Competitive/Arms Race where you can play solo or team up with friends to win matches against other players online! 

Overwatch: is an adrenaline-pumping 6v6 multiplayer shooter where heroes battle in a world of conflict; every match tells an epic story - yours! 

Heroes Of The Storm: it is an online team brawler starring some of your favorite characters from across Blizzard's franchises including World Of Warcraft®, Diablo® III, Starcraft® II, Hearthstone®, Heroes Of The Storm.

Best team vs team games to bet on

  • Dota 2: This is one of the most popular eSports games in the world, with millions of players and fans. It's a team-based action game that features two opposing sides (called "teams") who compete to destroy each other's bases. A lot of people love watching it because you can see how much strategy goes into each game--and also because there are so many different characters! The Dota 2 International prize pool was over $20 million last year!
  • League of Legends: This is another popular team-based action game where you control an individual character on your team and work together with them to defeat other players from around the world. You need good teamwork skills if you want to win at League of Legends; otherwise, it could end up being quite difficult for your group! There were over 100 million active monthly users during 2016 alone--so if there were any doubts about this being a hit among gamers worldwide...well now we know for sure :)

The prize pool for the 2017 League of Legends World Championship was over $5 million. And that's just one of many tournaments! Counter-Strike: This is another popular team-based action game where you control an individual character on your team and work together with them to defeat other players from around the world. You need good teamwork skills if you want to win at Counterstrike; otherwise, it could end up being quite difficult for your group! There were over 100 million active monthly users during 2016 alone--so if there were any doubts about this being a hit among gamers worldwide...well now we know for sure.

Best first-person shooter (FPS) games to bet on

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is one of the most popular FPS games and has been around since 2012. It's a shooter game that can be played in five different modes: Arms Race, Demolition, Deathmatch, Hostage rescue, and Casual.

Customers who play CS:GO have access to a variety of weapons that they can use to kill other players or complete objectives within each level. The game features realistic graphics and sounds so it feels like you're actually there!

The main objective for any player is to eliminate all opposing teams before they do the same to you! If you want more action than just shooting each other though then try playing Overwatch instead!

Best multiplayer battle arena (MOBA) games to bet on

If you're looking to bet on MOBA games, Dota 2 is the most popular option. It's free-to-play and has one of the biggest esports scenes around. League of Legends (LoL) is another good choice if you want to get into betting on MOBAs; it's also free-to-play and has a massive player base with thousands of pro players competing in leagues around the world every year. Heroes of the Storm is another game that focuses on team battles--you can even queue up solo or with friends if you don't want to play against other people! Smite focuses more on movement than traditional MOBAs like LoL or Dota 2 do; however, it still has many similarities in terms of gameplay mechanics such as buying items from shops or leveling up characters by earning experience points through killing minions/enemies

Everything you need to know about the latest and greatest from the world of esports gaming

Esports betting is the new kid on the block, so to speak. Just like any other form of gambling, there are a number of ways that you can get started with esports betting. The first thing to do is decide which game or games you want to focus on; there are many options out there and they each have their own unique characteristics. Once you've decided what kind of gamer you want to be, it's time for some research!

Next up: finding an online casino where all these different types of games are available at once so that when one gets boring or loses its appeal with players (which happens often), another one can take its place without taking away from how much fun everyone else is having while still getting some action going on in between times too - just like real life sports leagues do every year around this time when they change up their schedule format slightly so fans don't get bored seeing similar matchups week after week after week...


We hope that this article has helped you to understand the variety of esports games available and which ones might be best for you to bet on. If there's anything else we can do to help, please let us know!