Released in 2016, Pokemon Go has rapidly created a unique fever to urge trainers to go out and communicate with each other with the hope to collect their favorite animals as soon as possible. However, there are always countless risks we can never foresee ranging from players’ violent attacks at GYMs to even killing others to appropriate what they want.

Two days ago, on October 08, Pokemon Go streamer Anthony “xDeezzNutzx” was on a live stream when a sudden incident took place. A bad luck came to him right at the moment he was preparing for catching a Croagunk.

Although there was no specific video about this incident, the viewers could hear the sounds because the live stream was going on. Accordingly, the male streamer said to the attackers in vain that he had nothing and they should calm down.

Of course, the attackers had no intention to accept his pleas. Although the streamer tried to fight back, they still took his smartphone. The viewers still heard what the attackers was talking to each other including discussing how to open the smartphone and steal his car.

And then, they realized that the live stream was still on. They immediately stopped the live stream as the way Anthony got his smartphone robbed.

It was said that the police have carried out an investigation after receiving the report. However, until now, there have been no revealed suspects. However, the unlucky streamer also revealed to us that at least 04 strangers took part in the robbery.

There are always lots of things in the world beyond our control. The good luck obviously didn’t smile at the Pokemon Go streamer, especially when players of this game can always face many dangers while catching Pokemon on streets.

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