With the rise of Apex Legends, Fortnite’s developer Epic Games has decided to go big with the idea to actually bring their game into reality. This time, Epic Games shook hands with Panini America – a famous collectibles publisher – with the aim to release a series of trading cards and sticker albums with the Fortnite theme in 2019.
Both companies announced this partnership a few couples of hours ago. At first, these series of Fortnite collectibles will be on sale offline at the U.S. stores of Panini America and online at the official website of Panini’s collectibles store. All the cards are not yet for sale, but there has already been an option to preorder a set with 24 packs of trading cards on Panini website at the moment. The price for pre-ordering this set is $60.00, and it comes with 144 cards total and nine special cards that are exclusive to players who pre-order this set from the Panini website.
The Fortnite trading cards and stickers collections will feature a lot of characters, items and a lot more other features of the game that have helped it rising to it iconic status now according to a press release. They will include the famous character outfits, weapons, and even loading screens.
Panini’s strategy also includes the plan to spread the distribution of these new Fortnite sticker albums and trading cards to all of its distributing regions all over the world, which include over one million points of sales.
These products will be the first trading cards and sticker albums officially licensed by Epic Games. The company also has licensed Funko! Pop toys for several of its Fortnite skins, a Nerf blaster similar to its SCAR Assault Rifle, and a few McFarlane action figures.
However, Panini and Epic have yet to reveal the exact release date for any of these Fortnite collectibles.