It has been reported recently that a Twitch broadcaster from Australia called MrDeadMoth has been arrested not long after his incident during a livestream where the popular streamer seemed to be assaulting his wife.

The Streamer Mr. DeadMoth

The streaming video showed that they had a small argument in which his wife, who appeared to be called “Grace”, was asking Moth to stop streaming and playing Fortnite. In response to his wife’s demand, Moth seemed somewhat angry and said “Can you not? I said I’ll be out soon.”

After a while of arguing, Moth went off the camera. Then, we can hear a clearly audible smack, which followed by the crying sound of Grace. At the same time, we can also understand a young child, possibly their child, screaming and crying in fear somewhere in the background. We can then hear Grace shouted loudly “Don’t hit me in the face! You hit me in the face! Don’t you dare touch my face!”

The news was broken quite early in the morning based on Australia time. There was not much information found from the official news channels of the country. However, some Tweets from @Cylints - a Twitter account which claims that they are a cybersecurity expert as well as cybercrime and also forensics specialist - admitting having information about the incident have completely blown up over the whole social media.

Cylints revealed that he had already contacted Grace. He confirmed both her and Annabelle are fine now. He shared that Moth had also been arrested, however, no charges had been filed.

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