With the latest update from Valve for Dota 2, the community has seen numerous matchmaking bans for 20 straight years. The excessive ban time seems to be a tough measure Valve takes to tackle with game ruiners.

Sometimes, it is hard to control your temper when playing MOBA games like Dota 2

Dota 2 - A toxic game

Among the popular MOBA genre, Dota 2 stands out as one of the most toxic games. The amount of trash talk and harmfully intentional behavior would make one disgusted with the game. No matter how friendly one can be, there is always someone to ruin the experience for everyone.

However, things have changed drastically. Valve has recently implemented the rank role system to reduce the role stealing which used to be quite a nuisance with “mid or feed” players. Now that we have the system, failing to conform to the role distribution will result in harsh punishment for wrongdoers.

People need to be more careful with their behaviors in Dota 2

Moreover, with the behavior score system, one can keep track of how “friendly” their account currently is. Low behavior score players will have to suffer in a game where everyone is just as toxic. That serves them well, doesn’t it?

Toxic players will have to play a match with other ill-mannered people

2038 ban

The update on September 17 has introduced another feature into the game. Every player with extremely low behavior score will receive a “death punishment” - match-making ban until 2038. After the update, so many people got the ban without even a warning beforehand. Match-making ban till 2038 means the end for a Dota 2 account as we can’t wait for 20 years just to get the ban lifted.

The ban is a bit severe considering how long it is

However, they all shared a low behavior score of lower than 2000 points. The behavior score ranges from 1 to 10000 with the higher number determines the better conduct. It means people who got the ban were extremely toxic to get such low behavior score.

Multiple Reddit threads have been made about the 20 years match-making ban

It remains to be seen if this is indeed what Valve intended with the update or will we have some adjustment. If everything stays the same, banned accounts seem to go to waste as match-making is the center of Dota 2. Without a public match-making, you can’t enjoy Dota 2 anymore.