While heroic is no longer the highest rank in Free Fire, reaching it is still not an easy task. Players need to have the skill to perform in the highest tiers of Free Fire. However, besides skill, there are various other factors that can hamper a player's ability to perform well. Therefore, in this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the 6 most common reasons most players cannot reach heroic in Free Fire Max.

1. Playing with random teammates

In Free Fire, players can join a game without a full squad. This might leads to random players joining the match. While there are cases where random teammates perform well in matches, most of them tend to do poorly. This is usually due to the lack of communication - random players on the internet definitely can't work with you as well as people you know. This causes a liability in matches, which in turn reduces your rank.

Try to get a team instead of matching with randoms while pushing ranks in Free Fire.

There is a reason why pro players always play in a full squad. If you are going to play rank, it is advisable to find a dedicated team or play solo.

2. Doing hot drops

Hot Drops are the most high-risk high-reward action you can do in the game. Land early on a hot spot, secure a weapon and engage in combat right away presenting players with thrills and action like no other. However, this might lead to players going overboard and getting out of position, which leads to elimination.

Avoid hot-drop locations

Therefore, making a balance between aggressive and passive playstyles is a must, if you want to climb to higher ranks. After the hot drop, it is best to move out of the area instead of staying inside to fight.

3. Use Wrong Weapon Combos

Using the wrong weapon combinations is a common mistake that makes you fail to reach high tiers in Garena Free Fire. Each weapon in your weapon combo has unique stats and features, such as damage, range of fire, rate of fire, etc. So, they will have different uses. Free Fire has different weapon categories for different ranges of fire and gameplay.

Have at least one automatic gun.

You need to select the right Free Fire weapon combo for your squad role and gameplay. Here are some tips to select the best weapon combination for pushing rank in the BR mode:

  • Have at least one automatic gun with a high firing rate for backup.
  • Use M1887 is the best choice for fraggers in a squad.
  • Pick up an AWM that is the best SR for sniper players or supporters in a team.
  • Don't use two weapons with low firing rates, such as two snipers.

In addition, you should choose the best guns in each category and try to master them.

4. Use poor skill & pet combos

Free Fire BR mode has a huge roster of characters and pets that players must utilize. Picking the right skill combo is a must - especially in hard games like heroic ranked. To have a perfect synergy, you need to combine the most important feature of a character in the BR mode, including mobility, accuracy, and healing skills.

Pet skills are just as important.

Picking the right pet is also a good idea, as a lot of pets like the Falcon become useless in Clash Squad. Players should stick with Rockie or Zasil if they don't know what to get.

5. Not playing regularly

It is best to play ranked as often as possible to climb the rank. This gives players more chances to push their abilities to the limit and improve their gameplay.

The best time to push rank is the start of a new season, as a lot of players wait for a bit before playing ranked.  This makes it easier to reach the desired rank by the time the season ends. The more time you spend on the time, the more rank points you can get to stack and push rank.

6. Lack Of Effort

Another reason why Free Fire players cannot reach the Heroic tier is a lack of effort. To reach high tiers in this BR game, you need to invest time and effort. However, the game is pretty unforgiving - when you reach higher tiers and ranks in Free Fire, you will meet more real players with great skills. Then, you will notice higher skill gaps between you and those pro players.

A lot of players tend to stop pushing rank after they reach a certain tier. When you reach the high tier like Heroic, you will rank up more slowly because you get lower rank points for Booyah. Moreover, it's harder to get Booyah when you meet more pro players in high tiers.

Lack of motivation to push rank.

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